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PESA Ships XSTREAM C22 Compact Streaming System

作为大型混合广播系统或独立流媒体设备的一部分, the C22 allows AV professionals to compress, stream and share high-quality content
Featured News, Posted 22 Oct 2014

First Look: NewTek TriCaster Mini

超便携的TriCaster Mini加入了TriCaster 40在低于$6k的TriCaster线结束, but weighs in 10 lbs. lighter and adds HDMI input ISO-recording, a new compact control surface, an internal monitor, and more.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Oct 2014


观众在消费内容的同时与另一个屏幕互动,这不是我们, as producers, have much control over, 但是,通过将实时社交媒体与流媒体视频相结合,我们可以尝试保持观众的参与度,并鼓励他们使用第二屏幕与内容制作者和其他观众进行互动, instead of with their wider social media network.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Oct 2014


如果您在现场时需要转码文件怎么办, 在拍摄期间,或者作为向当地客户推出数字日报的一种方式? Recognizing the need for portability in such a scenario, 我们进行了许多测试,以确定尺寸和速度的理想平衡, and we share those results here.
Featured Articles, Posted 30 Sep 2014


Pickathon音乐节使用了五台Blackmagic工作室摄像机和六台ATEM现场制作切换器, 以及大量额外的黑魔法设计产品, 作为其现场制作和直播工作流程的支柱
Featured News, Posted 24 Sep 2014


Shawn Lam的Shawn Lam视频呈现了他的百家乐软件app最新版下载现场2014技术跟踪会议的视频预告片, "Choosing Cameras for Live Video Switching and Webcasting."
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Sep 2014

Review: HP Z1 G2 All-in-One Workstation

In this review, 我们将看到四个关键的新功能,这些功能使Z1一体机成为那些需要超高速连接到外部存储的人更好的工具集, 加上触摸功能和全固态硬盘(SSD)配置.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Sep 2014


Engineered for stability, reliability and advanced multi-display capabilities, 两张卡都有2GB的板载内存和迷你DisplayPort连接
Featured News, Posted 10 Sep 2014


新的IP梳理服务器存储传输流,然后通过将流转码到H来“梳理”它们.264 and/or scaling the video to different resolutions. It also adds various "wrappers" such as HLS, RTMP, etc.
Featured News, Posted 03 Sep 2014


新的固件升级使Epiphan设备能够在RTMP中编码音频/视频内容, 许多主要内容交付网络的首选协议
Featured News, Posted 24 Aug 2014

JVC F.A.S.T. Track Tour to Feature Streaming Media's Jan Ozer

多城市之旅提供了一系列的演示,以推广其摄像机和相关产品内置的实时高清流媒体功能, 以及为视频专业人士提供有关流媒体技术的信息
Featured News, Posted 19 Aug 2014

1Beyond Unveils StreamCam AutoTracker Camera

Designed for lecture capture/streaming, the StreamCam is a zero-setup, automatic tracking camera that will automatically focus, pan, tilt, and zoom to follow a presenter
Featured News, Posted 04 Aug 2014


Featured Articles, Posted 31 Jul 2014

Streaming E3 Live with Mobeon and the Roland VR-50HD

对网络流媒体服务的需求不断增长,这促使Mobeon寻找一种具有成本效益的方式, 多功能现场制作和网络流媒体解决方案,VR-50HD完全适合他们的模型
Featured News, Posted 24 Jul 2014

教程:混合,切换和流媒体直播与罗兰VR-3EX All-in-One A/V混频器

在本教程中,我们将探索强大的音频和视频混合, switching, 和现场交付功能集罗兰的多功能下一代4输入VR-3EX, HDMI-capable A/V mixer.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 17 Jul 2014


教堂为其主校区购买了一台HVS-390HS 2 M/E交换机, 并在今年早些时候将其HVS-350HS交换机搬到了新的卫星园区
Featured News, Posted 15 Jul 2014

VBrick 9000 Series Encoders are Akamai-Qualified

VBrick Systems, Inc., a leading enterprise video platform provider, 今天宣布其VBrick 9000系列产品线已通过Akamai Technologies的认证, one of the world's largest content delivery networks, 通过Akamai智能平台提供实时视频流.
Featured News, Posted 08 Jul 2014


联合Matrox Monarch HD-Wowza流媒体引擎客户将受益于增强的集成和易用性, simplifying their live streaming workflows
Featured News, Posted 01 Jul 2014

DiaQuest ProductionLink现在支持Adobe Premiere Pro和After Effects CC 2014版本

ProductionLink将Avid Interplay添加到Adobe的可用呈现格式列表中,无需转码或手动文件操作即可解决兼容性问题
Featured News, Posted 25 Jun 2014

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