OTT Leadership Summit

OTT is the future of television, and this summit is a deep dive into how broadcasters, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值. Because business and technology factors work hand-in-hand to create a successful OTT service, we’ll look at the entire OTT ecosystem to provide a thorough understanding of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We’ll also unveil fresh OTT research to give you actionable data and help you thrive in this increasingly competitive market. 加入我们,参加2019年流媒体西部OTT领导力峰会!


OTT Leadership Summit may be registered for separately OR is included when you register for an All Access or Streaming Media West Full 2-Day Conference Pass. 欲了解更多有关注册的信息,请 click here.


Tuesday, Nov 19

Track OTT: OTT领导力峰会


OTT101. 炉边聊天:流媒体电视时代的创新

10:30 AM2019-11-192019-11-19

11月19日星期二上午10:30.m. - 11:15 a.m.

随着无数屏幕和时间转换等技术的引入, DVR, and on-demand programming, the days of families gathering around the television to watch linear TV are gone. 消费者希望调整“看电视的时间”以适应他们的日程安排, and they demand an ever-evolving set of intuitive yet cutting-edge features to constantly improve the experience. Philo CTO Ben Chambers walks us through how the team at the nation’s first entertainment-focused OTT service is approaching and exceeding consumer expectations.


, CTO, Philo

, CMO, Norsk


OTT102. 炉边聊天:寻找新受众

11:30 AM2019-11-192019-11-19

11月19日星期二:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Reaching Generation Z
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

消费者的视频消费习惯正在发生巨大变化. Generation Z watches video in a completely different way than older generations, 我们必须按照他们的条件与他们取得联系, 提供他们想要的内容, 用对他们说话的格式, 在他们喜欢的设备上. 在这次炉边谈话中,我们与来自 Awesomeness 关于什么对下一代消费者有用,什么没用.


, Co-Head, Awesomeness

, Co-Head, Awesomeness

, CMO, Norsk

广告支持的VOD作为广播的替代方案 & SVOD
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Many consumers are looking for alternatives to traditional cable and SVOD services, 还有那些根本就不那么瘦的瘦骨嶙峋的束. Enter free, ad-supported services that offer premium content without the premium price tag. We talk about the challenges and opportunities facing AVOD services in today’s market.


, Chief Content Officer, Tubi

, CMO, Norsk


OTT103. 理解DRM生命周期

01:30 PM2019-11-192019-11-19

11月19日星期二下午1:30.m. - 2:15 p.m.

随着DRM成为内容创作者和消费者的全球标准, DRM生命周期变得越来越重要. 在复杂的视频工作流中实现DRM可能是一项艰巨的任务. That combined with the mandatory use of DRM for premium content leaves an OTT Operator with a lot of questions. In this session, we explore the “DRM Lifecycle” from content creation to editing to digital dailies to post to screeners and, ultimately, to consumer distribution.


, CEO and Founder, BuyDRM


, SVP Product & Technology, 索尼影视娱乐公司

, Director Live Operations, Global Broadcast, Blizzard

, CEO, 5th Kind


OTT104. 炉边聊天:连接一代阿尔法

02:45 PM2019-11-192019-11-19

11月19日星期二下午2:45.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Born with the iPad, Generation Alpha consumes video in ways that are even more radically different than Generation Z. So how do you create content and deliver it in a way that connects with viewers 9 and younger, 同时也要尊重他们只是孩子的事实? Pocket.watch是Ryan ToysReview的工作室, HobbyKidsTV, and EvanTubeHD, 以及与频道总经理兼高级副总裁大卫·B的讨论. Williams will shed light on the opportunities and challenges that come with creating content for the next generation.


, SVP/GM, Channels,

, CMO, Norsk


OTT105. Who Cares About Sports & News?

04:30 PM2019-11-192019-11-19

11月19日星期二下午4:30.m. - 5:15 p.m.

随着视频服务的激增, 许多公司提供纯点播内容,而其他公司则提供现场节目. 了解消费者对视频直播兴趣的细微差别, 尤其是体育和新闻, 是确保内容版权的关键, designing offers, and targeting subscribers. For many consumers, interest in a favorite team or athlete is the primary driver for their live video subscription, while other consumers have virtually no interest in sports or traditional news and often find little value in live TV. This session explores findings from a new consumer survey from Altman Vilandrie & Co., 包括深入研究消费者接受电视直播服务的原因, 以及电视行业高管参加的小组讨论.


, Partner, Altman Solon


, Vice President、业务运营与洞察; Disney DTCI / ABC News

, Head、数码产品及业务运作; Scripps Networks

, Principal Strategist, Dillon Media Ventures


Wednesday, Nov 20

Track OTT: OTT领导力峰会


OTT201. 小众视频服务如何获得成功

10:30 AM2019-11-202019-11-20

11月20日,星期三:上午10:30.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, 其他娱乐巨头获得了最多的关注, but that doesn’t mean there’s not a place for niche services to not only survive, but thrive. It’s all about knowing your audience—not just creating a great video offering but building communities that deliver content of all kinds and invite user interaction and participation in curating the channels they’ve always wanted.


, Co-CEO, Best Ever Channels


, 数字企业高级副总裁, Shout! Factory

, Founder & CEO, TV4 Entertainment, Inc.

, President, Cinedigm Networks

, 业务发展高级副总裁 & Digital, Ovation

, Head of DUST, Gunpowder & Sky


OTT202. 2019年是直接面向消费者的视频服务年?

11:30 AM2019-11-202019-11-20

11月20日,星期三:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m.

As Disney, WarnerMedia, Apple, and NBCUniversal prepare to launch direct-to-consumer (DTC) services—joining existing ventures like ESPN+, CBS All Access, 和DC宇宙——将现有的SVOD和直播线性服务,如Netflix, Hulu, 和亚马逊Prime会员的竞争? 或者,DTC的产品是否会在现有产品面前摇摇晃晃? This session examines the pros and cons of DTC services and evaluates the likelihood of success in the crowded OTT landscape.


, Principal Strategist, Dillon Media Ventures


, Managing Director, Digital Media Strategies and USC

, CEO,

, Communications & Media Industry Leader, Zendesk

, VP Strategic Development & Alliances, Brightcove


OTT203. 利用SSAI的超能力

01:30 PM2019-11-202019-11-20

11月20日,星期三:下午1:30.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Server-side ad insertion (SSIA) claims to have superpowers: the ability to replace broadcast ads with or without SCTE markers, 避免查看器AD拦截器, more standardized integration into each platform and better targeting and personalization are the superpowers SSAI brings to the streaming environment. 潜伏的邪恶是广告服务器动态扩展的能力, mistaking true scale for fraud and getting standardized measurements to your partners. We also touch on reach, frequency and wholistic ad strategy to arm you with information for talking to business colleagues.


, Consultant, Reality Software 以及流媒体特约编辑


, Former Technical Director, 华纳兄弟探索/华纳媒体/特纳广播公司

, 广告技术系统总监, Disney

, VP Engineering, Crunchyroll


OTT204. 可寻址电视:我们离找到圣杯还有多远?

03:00 PM2019-11-202019-11-20

11月20日星期三下午3点.m. - 3:45 p.m.

从网络视频革命开始, 个性化视频一直是我们最崇高和最难实现的目标之一. This session examines the state of addressable television for both content distributors and advertisers today, as well as what we can expect in the near future and what sort of privacy and data collection issues pose challenges to truly personalized video delivery.


, 高级电视业务主管, Verizon Media


, Senior Vice President, Product, Inscape

, General Manager, Data & Analytics, DISH Media

, 战略伙伴关系高级副总裁, Comscore

, 运营高级副总裁,联合创始人, Wurl

, Head of Product Marketing, Synamedia

Tracks & Special Events


Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体西部的家. This forward-thinking track offers high-level strategic discussions where you can learn from the best where the online video economy is moving.

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专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. The video ecosystem is a fragmented mix of platforms and devices: Learn from the pros how you can eliminate the bottlenecks and deliver results.

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Discovery Track

Sessions in this track are educational and the presentations which typically focus on products and customer case-studies, provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific technologies or vendors. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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Live Streaming Summit focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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OTT Leadership Summit

OTT is the future of television, and this summit is a deep dive into how broadcasters, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值.

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Video Engineering Summit

如果你想深入了解HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, 你来对地方了. 我们的专家演讲者将帮助您将您的视频提升到一个新的水平.

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流媒体对体育直播的影响最大. 不仅仅是我们看的方式,而是我们看的内容. 在这里,你可以近距离观察令人难以置信的上瘾, highly charged, 不断发展的电子竞技和体育流媒体世界. We'll bring you into the conversations happening right now, so you can profit from the changes.

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流媒体大学 features world class experts delivering content-rich training. This series of workshops at Streaming Media West 2019 offers attendees the opportunity to get deep-dive training on online video and streaming technologies and provides the sound theories and practicted techniques to beome a top performer in the online video field.

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