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NiTRo’s M-CUBE Studio Levels Up Esports Productions with AJA Gear

Esports' rapid rise to popularity can be attributed to many factors, from technological advancements that have enhanced the quality of modern gaming experiences to the proliferation of streaming platforms, which have paved the way to an era of global esports

Esports’ rapid rise to popularity can be attributed to many factors, from technological advancements that have enhanced the quality of modern gaming experiences to the proliferation of streaming platforms, which have paved the way to an era of global esports influencers with massive fan followings. Considering the sport’s upward trajectory, Japanese production company NTV技术百家乐软件有限公司. (硝基) combined its broadcasting expertise with its television production, 后期制作, 和CGI的发行 M-CUBE in 2022. 位于NiTRo的东京工厂, the virtual production studio is now home to sophisticated esports productions for some of Japan's largest gaming leagues. To support encoding and routing needs across a growing range of productions, NiTRo的团队整合了AJA 直升机+ H.264录像机/流媒体和AJA 6464年喀布 3G-SDI路由器接入其M-CUBE管道.

 让M-CUBE离开地面, NiTRo initially leveraged a former online editing room, which it renovated and retrofitted using existing equipment. 自开业以来, the studio has been tapped for several esports league productions, as well as for the streaming of international motorsports events, 小规模的事件, 以及企业在线研讨会. Looking to enhance its facility and increase the number of users it could support, 它开始计划更新. Its main goal with the upgrade was to establish an environment optimized for esports streaming that would be accessible to even the most novice user. Signal stability and the capacity to display content from remote participants (including on-screen graphics) in real-time, all while supporting streaming to multiple content delivery 网works (CDNs), 我们也要考虑.

升级后, the M-CUBE studio now includes a sub-control room, 设备间, 编辑套件, 两个化妆间, 还有三个生产背景(白色), 深蓝色, and a simple chroma key green); the setup makes it easy for a play-by-play announcer and commentator to be in the studio while players participate online. If needed, NiTRo’s on-site CG department is also accessible to M-CUBE productions.

At the center of the M-CUBE workflow is Telestream Wirecast Pro streaming software, 在NiTRo整个工作室都在使用. The team’s backup encoder of choice is AJA 直升机+, which supports SDI and HDMI input/output and can simultaneously record while sending up to 1080 60p signals to a CDN. It has enabled NiTRo to simultaneously stream to two locations with individual settings for each destination and provided a failsafe, as the team configured it to turn on immediately in the event of production system failure.

在采购设备方面, our main goal was to meet the streaming requirements of the esports leagues that NiTRo runs. 也, different operators use the system for different projects, so we needed the system to be intuitive to operate, 使直升机+成为完美的选择,” shared NiTRo Technical Director and Video Engineer Masaaki Iwahara. “在构建系统时, we carefully tested the equipment and were impressed by its stability and reliability.”

“The fact that 直升机+ also allows us to simultaneously deliver in two bit rates was a determining factor,小山龙一, NiTRo的视频工程师, 添加.

NiTRo’s esports productions often involve many audio and video inputs and outputs that require the connection of many coaxial cables. 管理所有这些信号是很费力的, which is where AJA’s 6464年喀布 router has proven indispensable to M-CUBE; tucked into a slim 4RU body with 3G-SDI connectivity, 它包括64个输入和输出, 哪个工作室经常透支. “For esports streaming, we use all of our available inputs and outputs,” explained Iwahara. “But, for small-scale streaming gigs, we use only what’s needed. 使用KUMO,我们可以轻松地按需扩展.”

M-CUBE’s workflow also consists of one Panasonic and two Canon cameras, two 喀布CP2 control panels, a switcher, and five SKAARHOJ sub-controllers for tactile control. As NiTRo continues to grow its business in the coming years, it plans to expand its use of M-CUBE for esports and live event production on other entertainment and corporate event productions, 正如它所做的那样, its AJA gear will continue to provide pipeline stability.