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NAB 2024: Atomos谈论忍者手机

在NAB 2024的展厅里, 流媒体的肖恩·林 和 SLV生活 面试 Atomos 首席执行官杰里米·杨谈到了新 Atomos忍者手机, 如何将iPhone 15 Pro或Pro Max变成1600像素, 10位, 2,000,000:1的对比度, 460 ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes监视器记录仪的任何专业HDMI相机.

在展示厅 NAB 2024, 流媒体的肖恩·林 和 SLV生活 面试 Atomos 首席执行官杰里米·杨谈到了新 Atomos忍者手机, 如何将iPhone 15 Pro或Pro Max变成1600像素, 10位, 2,000,000:1的对比度, 460 ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes监视器记录仪的任何专业HDMI相机.

肖恩林: 15年前 我们在这里聊天 关于第一部《百家乐app下载》,而现在我们要谈论的是《百家乐软件app最新版下载》. 那么是什么呢??
Jeromy年轻: 我们已经拿走了所有的 ProRes技术和 all of our know-how 和 we've teamed up with Apple for not only ProRes, but also to utilize the phone's capabilities in both monitoring 和 记录 和 streaming simultaneously. So, 带上你的相机——这是所有专业相机都要用的, 而不是iPhone的摄像头——点击我们背面的保护套. 然后把HDMI接进去, 还有无线麦克风的音频, 它用ProRes编码锁定的视频和音频, 然后通过USB-C传输到手机上.

所述箱体包括锁紧机构. 这就是为什么这个案子很重要. 当然还有安装选项. We've covered the lenses so that you don't bang it with the cables when you put 'em in or try to use the phone with it. ProRes立即被解码到屏幕上. 同时, 我们有忍者所有的监控功能:峰值, 翻转, 你需要的所有惊人的功能. You've got this ridiculous OLED monitor with 1600-nit peak brightness in the highlights, 2,000,000:1的对比度, P3色彩空间441 PPI. 荒谬的屏幕.

然后你可以录下我们发送到手机上的ProRes. 然后手机将其重新编码为10位管道, 然后将其传输到你登录的任何地方. 你只需要选择摄像头到云,YouTube Live, Instagram, iCloud. 如果你想把它发送到iCloud并保存, 你只需保存文件, 或者你可以回放它们来复习.
肖恩林: 这就是流媒体设置.
Jeromy年轻: 这是正确的. And then once you've got it all set up, then you're 记录 to ProRes 和/or H.265. 所以它会记录到手机存储中. 它是高清的,因为屏幕是高清的. 这就是你想要的. And that means that you get around three hours of ProRes HQ 4:2:2 on the phone. 如果你有500GB的剩余或者256GB的剩余, 如果你还有512g的剩余空间, 你手机里已经有你所有的照片和东西了, 然后你会得到一个半小时的ProRes录音. 然后得到H的3倍.如果你想记录的话,265.
肖恩林: 这需要iPhone的内部存储空间.
Jeromy年轻: 就是这样. 它所做的就是. So we turn the pro camera 和 the iPhone into a really nice combination for professional 记录 和 monitoring.

肖恩林: 所以我理解这个设置,你有NDI功能. 给我讲讲.
Jeromy年轻: 这是正确的. 所以当它进来然后流出H.265, then you can choose NDI 和 wrap it in whatever NDI format that you want. NDI| hx3直接从这个设置支持.
肖恩林: 这是神奇的. 这样就可以放到任何NDI工作流程中, bringing in any camera that's not NDI supported 和 turning it into an NDI camera. 哇. 价格点和可用性?
Jeromy年轻: 所以忍者手机本身是399美元,手机壳是59美元. 这两个结合起来, 你拿着漂亮的相机走了, 在相机里录4K或6K的视频. 这是你所有的社交媒体和流媒体. 如果你想去社交网站, you can just flip it to the side 和 the iPhone flips around 和 you've got all your functions there for all that sweet vertical video.
肖恩林: 神奇的. 好吧. 非常感谢,杰罗米.

以下是西部数据在NAB 2024展会上的采访, 流媒体 Producer's Marc Franklin talks with Western Digital Director of Product Marketing Christina Garza about WD's latest 4TB SanDisk SDXC cards 和 24TB hard drives.
艾伦 & Heath Marketing Specialist Richard Starr gives viewers a close-up look at 艾伦 & Heath's CQ Series digital audio mixers with their touchscreen 和 physical controls, 自动混音器, 会议预设, 车库乐队, 和更多的, 和 remote operation capabilities in this interview with 流媒体's 肖恩林 from the 艾伦 & 2024年NAB的Heath booth.
PTZOptics技术总监Matthew Davis讨论Hive Studio, PTZOptics新的基于云的远程相机控制解决方案, 这是在NAB 2024上对流媒体的肖恩·林的采访.
Exciting new 和 (mostly) AI-driven tools 和 services from NAB 2024 that very specific problems, from shooting great iPhone footage to automatically creating short clips to providing live low-latency translation 和 captioning to creating customized radio programming to building purpose-driven social communities.
Atomos Senior VP Product Paul Scurrell discusses new developments at Atomos including NDI support 和 the Atomos Shogun Connect in this interview with 流媒体 contributing editor 肖恩林 in the Atomos booth at NAB 2023.
The Ninja V is a 1920x1080 HD monitor bright enough to reproduce 10 stops of exposure latitude 和 for outdoor use. It's small enough to be attached permanently to a live producer's video camera, 它使HDR拍摄更容易预测. 作为一个记录员, it sees equal duty for higher-quality 记录s that will be graded or keyed 和 also as a program recorder on live switches 和 webcasts.
流媒体 Producer's Anthony Burokas 和 Atomos Global Head of PR Dan Chung discuss features of Atomos' new Shogun 7 on the show floor at NAB 2019.
Atomos' Mark Naidoo 和 流媒体 Producer's 肖恩林 discuss the benefits of ProRes RAW 和 its implementation in the latest AtomOS update.
The Atomos Shogun Flame has a great feature set for my DSLR-based videography, giving me many features 和 capabilities that my DSLR simply does not have, 但这使得射击, 查看, 评估, 记录, 和编辑, 更容易,更好.
新的原子将军火焰, 以及Atomos监视器/记录器线中的其他新条目, 带来了AtomHDR, which enables producers taking advantage of new HDR capabilities available in their cameras to reproduce it on their monitors as they do HDR work in the field.
The Atomos Ninja Star is more than just a simple recorder 和 playback deck; it's a way to bypass the highly compressed codec of your camera 和 record straight to 10位 4:2:2 Apple ProRes, all on a device roughly the size of an iPhone 和 weighing in at just under 300 grams including the up-to-5 hr battery.
林尚恩和原子的杰里米·杨讨论了《百家乐app下载》, Atomos' new field recorder that features an improved 16:9 preview screen, 波形的功能, 以及增强的佳能5D Mark III支持.