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Zylight在Cine Gear 2013上推出F8菲涅耳LED

可在钨(3200K)或日光(5600K)版本, 紧凑的Zylight菲涅耳折叠到不到四英寸厚,便于运输和储存
Featured News, Posted 15 May 2013

Fill-Lite在Cine Gear Expo上推出新的LED系列产品

结合了一个非常紧凑和完全可配置的设计与一个面向周边的LED灯面板, 新的Fill-Lite系列消除了第一代LED柔和灯常见的不均匀性问题
Featured News, Posted 08 May 2013

Adorama Launches Post-NAB Event in Manhattan

Twenty vendors, including Canon, Sony Electronics, RED, Blackmagic Design, JVC, Panasonic, TV Logic and Newtek, 会有专业视频产品的展览吗, 包括在拉斯维加斯NAB上首次展示的一些最新创新
Featured News, Posted 07 May 2013


Flashpoint 3照明套件具有2个灯架, 1 backlight stand, 3 white umbrellas, 2 45W bulbs, 30W fluorescent bulb, sockets, and case
Featured News, Posted 06 Apr 2013

Photoflex Intros New LED at NAB

北极星Lite是一个100瓦的单LED,相当于1K钨光源的光输出, 同时保持标准的日光色温
Featured News, Posted 06 Apr 2013

回顾:Reflecmedia ChromaFlex for Easy keyying

深入了解便携式Reflecmedia chromakey套件,该套件结合了复古反射屏幕和绿蓝色环形灯,用于多功能, quick-and-easy, reliable greenscreen setup and keying.
Featured Articles, Posted 27 Mar 2013

Zylight将在NAB 2013上展示新的F8菲涅耳LED

可在钨(3200K)或日光(5600K)版本, F8是一款紧凑的照明设备,可以折叠到不到4英寸厚,便于运输和储存
Featured News, Posted 18 Mar 2013

Litepanels to Unveil New LED Lights at NAB

Litepanels有三个新的旅行套件,其中包括该公司新的具有成本效益的1x1 LS装置:LS旅行者双人套件, with one 1x1 LS Flood and one 1x1 LS Spot; the LS Traveler Trio Kit, with two 1x1 LS Floods and one 1x1 LS Spot; and the LS Traveler Trio Plus Kit, 有两个1x1 LS双色和一个1x1 LS洪水
Featured News, Posted 18 Mar 2013

A Buyer's Guide to Lighting Kits

了解视频制作中常用的五种照明类型, as well as the best uses for each.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Mar 2013

Produce a Professional-Quality Webcast

这一切都是关于找到合适的技术和创建最好的工作流程, especially when streaming live video.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Mar 2013

Adorama宣布Flashpoint电池包闪点400w /s环形灯

闪点电池组是专为随时随地使用闪点环灯完整套件- 400w /s, introduced by Adorama in January 2013
Featured News, Posted 21 Feb 2013

Review: Rosco LitePad Loop Ringlight

Rosco's LitePad Loop, 专为DLSR生产商设计的新型环形灯系统, projects a soft, even light that's easy on the eyes. 尽管像我的松下GH2这样的小型单反相机的运营商面临一些固有的挑战, I found it well worth the effort.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Jan 2013

Review: JVC GY-HM600U ProHD Camera

JVC的新GY-HM600U ProHD摄像机集成了非常高质量的组件, has a range of useful features, and in my tests captured very sharp video. 如果你想买一款低于5000美元的摄像机,HM600U应该在你的候选名单上.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2013

Litepanels Croma led Light Live是爱人口贩卖纪录片

当Cinequest Picture the Possibilities的制片人Marcela Villegas Castanon为该公司的纪录片《百家乐软件》(Life Is Love)制作支持包时, 她选择了Litepanels®Croma™led作为主要照明
Featured News, Posted 03 Jan 2013

Adorama Unveils New Flashpoint Monolight

Flashpoint DG600单灯在使用Flashpoint便携式电源包时可以发出180次全功率闪光, 这样摄影师就可以不用电线操作照明了, ideal when onsite electricity is unavailable
Featured News, Posted 13 Dec 2012

Review: Adorama Flashpoint LED Lights

只有250个白炽灯或日光平衡灯, Adorama Flashpoint 500C感觉像是一款小众产品,主要适合那些需要在单光下同时支持白炽灯和日光平衡光的生产商. 鉴于改进的安装选项和适合和完成, 据简·奥泽报道,如果这家公司提供全日光平衡灯泡,他会毫不犹豫地购买.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Dec 2012

Adorama Ships闪点14“可调光环灯

这款售价100美元的闪点环形灯有一个80瓦的圆形灯泡,可以为女性提供持续的照明, shadow-free lighting
Featured News, Posted 28 Nov 2012

Sony NEX-EA50 vs. 索尼NEX-FS100(和Parfocal 3x+变焦挑战)

Shawn Lam比较了索尼大传感器摄像机系列的主要型号——新款肩扛式NEX-EA50, 以及相对古老的手持FS100和FS700-着眼于光敏度, image quality, and effectiveness with power zoom lenses, and reports on his epic, 正在寻找一个可行的共焦3x+伺服变焦镜头.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Nov 2012


In this tutorial, Jan Ozer演示了如何使用Neat Video插件从视频中去除噪声, improving output quality for all outputs.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Nov 2012

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