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The Downside of AI Captioning for Live Webcasts

LiveX的科里·本克(Corey Behnke)讨论了人工智能无法做到的对字幕准确性的需求, 特别是在大流行期间,对可及性的需求增加了, in this clip from Streaming Media East Connect 2021.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Jul 2021

Tutorial: Speech-to-Text in Adobe Premiere Pro

流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer探索了Adobe Premiere Pro中令人眼花缭乱的新语音转文本功能, 一个强大的新工具,使其非常快速和无痛地创建准确的转录和刻录或导出字幕为您的视频.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 Jul 2021


Featured News, Posted 20 Jul 2021

NDI Now Supported in Latest Zoom Rooms Release

最新版本的Zoom Rooms for Windows软件包括对NDI的支持,以帮助混合型员工准备工作空间
Featured News, Posted 20 Jul 2021

Equip, Ship, and Control Remote Production Kits

Anthony burrokas解释了Stream4us如何构建并向远程客人发送生产套件,以便在现场演出期间完全控制他们的桌面和相机.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Jul 2021

Tech Check Checklist for Remote Production

Stream4us的Anthony burrokas讨论了在节目日之前通过详细的技术检查将远程客人用于专业制作的重要性, 确保他们看起来和听起来都是最好的,能够在上线之前识别和解决任何问题.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Jun 2021


Featured News, Posted 26 May 2021


At present, 微软Teams和Skype for Business是仅有的两个支持NDI的视频会议应用程序. We have built our remote streaming solutions around Teams. Here's how it works.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2021


Featured Articles, Posted 18 May 2021

如何在Wirecast 14中制作远程采访与电视流会合.1

Through its Rendezvous feature, Tele-stream的Wirecast是2017年首批实现完全可定制的多方会议的视频混频器之一. Telestream以几个微妙但关键的方式升级了该功能, which I'll discuss in this article.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 May 2021

Going Pro with Remote Production

You're here. The guests are there. The audience is everywhere else. Here is an article that's chock-full of tips, tricks, 以及在您最新的远程生产中使所有这些组合在一起的链接.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 May 2021

Using SRT to Enhance Remote Production Quality

Epiphan的George Herbert描述了Epiphan如何使用SRT(安全可靠传输)和远程贡献编码器与多个远程客户来大幅提升流媒体质量,这是他在流媒体连接2021年的演讲片段中提供的.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Apr 2021

Hovercast的Eli Stonberg谈游戏化虚拟活动的原因、活动和品牌

Hovercast首席执行官Eli Stonberg讨论了政治活动和品牌如何使用Hovercast创新的交互式流媒体平台和服务来实现游戏化和参与, 在百家乐软件app最新版下载编辑史蒂夫·内森斯-凯利的采访中,为筹集资金和提高意识的活动提供了创造性的前倾体验.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Apr 2021

Virtual Live Event-Focused Ecosystem, ZuCasa午餐将人类互动带入视频会议空间

Virtual Live Event-Focused Ecosystem, ZuCasa午餐将人类互动带入视频会议空间. App Features New Tech; Simple Dollar-per-User Host Event Pricing Model
Featured News, Posted 14 Apr 2021

Tod Bush Leadership Center Improves Live, Online Presentations with Brightline Presenter Lighting Kit

The Tod Bush Leadership Center in Addison, Texas, 在其主要培训室安装了Brightline演示者照明套件,以帮助为现场和在线观众提供更好的演示
Featured News, Posted 07 Apr 2021

Tutorial: Setting Exposure on iPhones, DSLRs, and Camcorders

本文将讨论如何使用专业摄像机和数码单反相机进行手动操作. This means how to set shutter speed, gain, aperture for the camcorder, and shutter speed, aperture, and ISO for the DSLR. In both cases, your guiding light will be zebra stripes, so I'll describe what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to achieve accurate exposure.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Mar 2021

Camera Upgrades for Remote Streaming Production

随着Zoom和其他视频会议应用程序主导我们的专业互动, 远程制作和演示仍然是面对面会议和其他活动的必要选择, webcam video is often the weakest link in our remote connections. Anthony Burokas recommends alternative camera sources--smartphones, DSLRs, and better webcams--and explains how to make them work.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Mar 2021

Tutorial: Using the Vimeo Record Tool

Vimeo Record是一个屏幕和网络摄像头记录器,允许用户直接从浏览器共享视频信息. 本教程展示了如何使用Vimeo Record使远程通信像面对面一样快速简单.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Mar 2021


如果你正在寻找一种方法来提升你的直播产品,而不是客户自己能做的, then you will want to take over more control in your productions, starting with the PxP and PiP looks, using external hardware and/or software. 这种方法的好处是,你的录音将产生一个标准的高清信号,供以后编辑和点播观看在不同的平台.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 Feb 2021

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