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百家乐软件app最新版下载和编辑Shawn Lam和Blackmagic设计高级区域经理Bob Caniglia讨论Blackmagic的新高清和4K工作室相机, introduced at NAB 2014, 并被吹捧为“世界上最小的摄影棚相机,拥有世界上最大的取景器”."

[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at NAB 2014.]

At NAB 2014, Blackmagic Design推出了Studio Camera HD(现已发货)和Studio Camera 4K(即将推出), 两个基于Micro四分之三的可更换镜头相机,设计用于无缝(和专门)与视频切换器作为现场生产工作流程的集成组件.

The Studio Cameras have no internal (or card-based) recording capability; they're built specifically to send a video signal to a switcher via SDI. They do, however, feature CCU control built into the camera, 这意味着制作人可以用Blackmagic ATEM切换器进行原色校正, as well as iris control, focus, pedestal levels, and so on.

除了提供与其他黑魔法装备无与伦比的整合水平(如人们所料), Blackmagic工作室相机也被Blackmagic高级区域经理Bob Caniglia吹捧为“世界上最小的工作室相机,拥有世界上最大的取景器”."

百家乐软件app最新版下载的肖恩·林赶上了Caniglia在NAB 2014了解更多关于工作室相机, its features, its positioning in the market, 以及它如何作为Blackmagic ATEM切换器和其他齿轮的现场生产工作流程的一部分.

Shawn: It’s Shawn Lam here for Streaming Media Producer at NAB 2014. We’re at the Blackmagic Design booth with Bob Caniglia, and we’re here to talk about the Blackmagic Studio Camera, which comes in two different models. Can you tell us about that?

Bob: Sure. 有一个高清版本,它有一个超级16传感器,现在正在发货. And there’s also a 4K version, which will ship later this summer.

Shawn: Tell me about the lens mount.

Bob: It has a Micro Four Thirds mount, active. 显然,其他类型的镜头有很多不同的适配器. 在我们的展台上,我们有一台带有大英伦镜头的摄影棚照相机, 具有大型生产相机的对焦和变焦控制.

Shawn: What makes a Studio Camera different from a camcorder?

Bob: A Studio Camera is designed to hook into a switcher. There’s no recording capability whatsoever. 这是世界上最小的工作室相机,拥有世界上最大的取景器——10英寸. It’s really great for field shooting, whether you’re indoors or out, because we have a 4-hour battery inside.

Shawn: 这是如何与其他黑魔法产品集成,在一个完整的工作流程?

Bob: 它有你要找的监控摄像头内置的连接功能, and then it connects to the ATEM switcher. 所以整个生产线的ATEM切换器都要进行软件升级, from the first one to the new one, 2 M/E-这将允许他们做全彩色校正和CCU控制在一个. It has primaries from DaVinci Resolve, plus the usual things that you would get in a CCU--pedestal levels, gain, iris control, and focus control. 因此,这是通过来回的光纤链路或通过SDI的返回馈送来完成的. 所以你把SDI发送到交换器和SDI程序反馈,元数据通过那里传送.

Shawn: 这款相机没有HDMI输入和输出,但有一个电源开关?

Bob: 是的,如果你在室内使用,有一个标准的电源龙头很有用. But as I said, it also has a four-hour battery.

Shawn: What about audio connectivity?

Bob: We have phantom power audio on the side for XLR, 它有内置的com,所以你可以有耳机和麦克风对讲到切换器.

Shawn: And so how would that connect with the switcher? Would we need an intermediary product?

Bob: For that we have our Blackmagic Studio Converter. So if you’re running fibre, you’d run it to the Studio Converter, 或者你可以运行SDI到Studio Converter,这样每个人都可以说话.

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