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First Look: Blackmagic Studio Camera

Company offers two models of innovative, if fragile, studio camera

上个月NAB结束时,我有机会走出会场,在展厅里走了一会儿. In doing so, 我发现自己面对的是Blackmagic Design设计的两台迥然不同的相机.

We’ve already reported on the AJA CION, a sturdy 4K (DCI and Ultra HD) camera set to ship in August, which has a solid body and a hefty feel. On the other end of the 4K camera spectrum, though, 是轻巧的,几乎滑稽形状的黑魔法工作室相机(BMSC, for short).

When viewed from behind, the BMSC almost looks like an iPad on a tripod, as the 10-inch viewfinder dominates the camera. The attached hood, which folds down to protect the viewfinder, 这让它更像是一个基于ipad的提词器,而不是摄像头.

Come around the other side of the BMSC, however, 你会看到一个镜头支架和几个连接器:两个佳能三针连接器,用于专业音频输入, including microphone inputs, 还有一个耳机插孔,以及用于摄像头输出和监控的光纤和SDI连接器.

Lens Mount

What about lenses? The camera uses an APS-C sensor, with CMOS technology akin to the CION. 然而,它为相机镜头支架设置了一个奇怪的默认选择:微四分之三. 使用过半专业相机的人对微型四分之三相机很熟悉,它介于普通的傻瓜相机和专业的单反相机之间,在一些数字电影拍摄中也很流行.

Blackmagic将这种默认微型四分之三卡口的使用作为一种方式,用户可以从低成本镜头开始,然后升级到更昂贵的电子新闻采集(ENG)卡口系统,即B4. I understand the sentiment, 但一款名为“工作室”相机的相机应该可以直接使用工作室镜头.


BMSC有许多有利于工作室设置的功能. 第一个是计数灯,这是工作室使用多摄像机设置的关键. The second is a digital talkback capability, eliminating the need for a separate communications pack, 因为摄像机操作员可以直接插入BMSC进行连接. According to Blackmagic, BMSC运营商可以使用“通用航空耳机”,以更低的成本获得更好的对讲质量和更好的降噪效果.“我们假设,成本比较是基于ClearCom或其他专门的反馈系统.

Finally, the camera has both SDI and fiber optic connectors. 后者被设计为通过双向音频以及摄像机遥控器以及视频输出. In addition, it feeds the embedded audio—from the XLR inputs we assume, 因为我们还没有机会测试这些相机中的一个,这意味着Blackmagic已经找到了一种方法,可以让预算有限的人群将所有双向信号流聚合到一条电缆中. This is a significant benefit, 因为这些解决方案的价格远高于整个BMSC相机.


Like some of the previous “pocket” models of Blackmagic’s 2.5K和4K相机,我们关心的是取景器的稳健性. In the case of the BMSC, 我们认识到这样一个事实,即在取景器屏幕被一块在工作室周围移动的杂散齿轮直接击中时,光纤连接器可以控制相机, 但它仍然呈现出“ipad在三脚架上”的困境,当一个大玻璃板遇到另一个不可移动的物体时,我们许多人都面临着这种困境. 我们期待着测试这款超大取景器的坚固性.


与其他Blackmagic相机一样,BMSC设置了一个新的竞底价格标准. The 1080P “Real HD” model sells for $1995, sans lens, 而4K“超高清”型号将于6月发售,售价为2995美元.

So you’ve heard our initial opinion. But what about the opinion of someone who is making a buying decision?

"The camera is one of my top choices to upgrade our webcast equipment," said a show floor attendee, who identified himself as working for a major aerospace company. "We plan to buy one and see if we can make it work. I'm sure we can."

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