Streaming Media West 2008
The Business & Technology Of Online Video
September 23-25, 2008 - (Preconference Workshops: Monday, September 22)
San Jose McEnery Convention Center • San Jose, CA
Monday, Sep 22 Tuesday, Sep 23 Wednesday, Sep 24 Thursday, Sep 25

Monday, September 22

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
SM1: Broadcasting Live Flash Video and Building Custom Players
This hands-on workshop will walk you through the end-to-end workflow of capturing, encoding, and posting live content directly to your website using Flash Video. We'll also cover how to build a Flash player, how to customize it, and how to take advantage of tips and tricks that make it easy for you to deliver a customized, impactful, and interactive online live Flash Video experience.
Speaker: , Sr. Product Manager, Adobe

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SM2: Encoding H.264 Video for Streaming and Progressive Download
This seminar focuses on producing H.264 video for streaming or progressive download. It will start with a deep look at key H.264 encoding parameters like B-frames, profiles, and levels, and how to customize encoding parameters for distributing via QuickTime and Flash. The seminar will also provide quality comparisons for H.264 codecs from Apple, MainConcept, Dicas, and Ateme, and recommended settings and workflows for Compressor, Squeeze and Adobe Media.
Speaker: , Founder, Streaming Learning Center

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1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
SM3: Live Broadcasting for Silverlight and Windows Media Player
This session will cover the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver live streaming broadcasts. Learn how to plan the production workflow, organize your Windows Media Services infrastructure, and when to target either Silverlight or Windows Media Player. The workshop will cover topics such as server-side playlists, configuring proxy servers for intranet delivery, distributing your live broadcast via CDN, techniques for archiving and distributing the event on-demand and Digital Rights Management.
Speaker: , Senior Product Manager Silverlight, Microsoft

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SM4: Planning, Building, and Launching A Video Blog
This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of planning, building, and launching a video blog. Whether you are an individual or part of a large corporation you will learn the power of user-generated content tools for capturing, editing, and sharing video online. Attendees will get a chance to participate as we launch our own video blog during the workshop. We will cover easy-to-use video capture devices, basic video editing tools, and online distribution platforms for your video blog.
Speaker: , President, Flavor, Inc.

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Tuesday, September 23

9:00 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote
, CTO, Amazon Web Services, Inc.
9:40 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote
, Director of Content Partnerships, YouTube

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10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
A101: New Trends in Online Video Measurement
For good or for bad, when the internet was born it was touted as the “most measurable medium.”  Over the years, ad servers, agencies, advertisers, and publishers have all mostly solidified around a handful of core metrics. However, the success of online video has brought new attention to the question: “Should we simply use internet measurements for video, or is video different enough that we need to consider other measurement models?”   As the video market matures, what are the metrics of the future? How do these reflect on the past, both of the internet and TV? And how will better measurement change the buying and selling process?
Moderator: , VP, Media Analytics, Nielsen Online
Speaker: , VP, Product Management,
Speaker: , CEO, YuMe
Speaker: , Assistant Executive Producer, Online Video, Associated Press
Speaker: , CEO, Co-Founder, Next New Networks
B101: Live Broadcasting Over Mobile and Wi-Fi Networks
While big media tests the waters of mobile broadcasting, many web video producers are already out there doing it live from the street with cell phones.  Others are joining in and experimenting with two-way broadcasts via streaming video over cell phone networks and via Wi-Fi, wherever they are. Viewers can chat while the broadcast is going on and affect and sometimes even direct the content being produced. Come to this session to hear Steve Garfield talk with other pioneers in the live broadcasting space about their experiences at the forefront of this new technology for sharing their stories over the web.

Speaker: , Mobile Video Journalist,
Speaker: , Co-Founder,
Speaker: , Evangelist, Mogulus

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11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A102: Online Video Publishing and Marketing Strategies
In the world of video publishing, how do you get started? How do you create compelling content? With so many options for live and on-demand video, how do you choose your distribution platform? How do you find your niche? Build your audience? Establish your brand?  How do you create a sustainable model to monetize your content and generate income? This is an opportunity to hear some of the most well-known and respected online video publishers discuss online video publishing and marketing strategies.
Moderator: , Founder, President,
Speaker: , VP of Product Marketing, Brightcove
Speaker: , Sr. Product Manager, Glam Media
Speaker: , CEO, Co-Founder, Inc.
Speaker: , The FeedRoom
B102: Best Practices in Enterprise Streaming for Communications and Learning
Use of online video in the enterprise has evolved well beyond the special occasion, rudimentary talking-head videos that characterized early adoption. Whether webcasting executive briefings across the globe or capturing and archiving rich media preseentations for training, marketing, sales, and compliance, a growing number of organizations are capitalizing on the capabilities of Web 2.0 technologies. This session will show examples from Fortune 500 organizations of best practices in integrated online video for communications and learning.
Moderator: , VP/GM, Video Content Management, Polycom
Speaker: , VP, Corporate Communications, Safeway
Speaker: , Visual Media Group, Worldwide Marketing and Sales, National Semiconductor
Speaker: , Manager, Streaming Communications, Applied Materials
Speaker: , President, Kontiki, Inc.

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1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A103: Online Video vs. ISPs: How Much Is Too Much?
What’s good for online video content publishers isn’t always good for ISPs, and more and more ISPs are considering throttling bandwidth or charging fees as video streams and downloads increase exponentially.  Can consumer desire for video and service provider limitations coexist? Are content owners and the industry at risk of not being able to develop new business models from online video?
Speaker: , VP, US Operation, PPLive
Speaker: , Director, Online Media Technology, Verizon Communications
Speaker: , VP, CDN Services, Content Markets, Level 3 Communications
Moderator: , Co-Editor, GigaOM/NewTeeVee
Speaker: , AVP, AT&T Digital Media Solutions
B103: Maximizing the Monetization of Online Video Content
Despite many valiant efforts, there has yet to be a breakthrough in solving the problem of valuation and monetization of online video. Targeted at both advertisers and publishers, this panel will touch on the real challenges businesses face when implementing an online video component (distribution strategies audience targeting, etc.) and discuss the issues that surround monetizing this blossoming industry. Hear speakers address what factors drive valuation (users, content, reach, etc.), how content producers and advertisers can work collaboratively, and best practices being seen in the industry.
Moderator: , VP, Corporate and Business Development, Visible Measures
Speaker: , Chief Revenue Officer, Tremor Media
Speaker: , Director of Business Development, Entertainment Technology Center, USC
Speaker: , CEO, Metacafe
2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A104: New Media Production: Building an Independent Media Brand
IP distribution has enabled the development of a new, small-scale professional video production model, and democratized media has been described as effectively enabling a “middle class” of independent professional video producers. But as the industry develops, access and marketing have proven critical factors to the ultimate success of a series. Can a new media producer achieve success without forging the kind of high-level relationships necessary to secure prominent placement on established entertainment websites?  Hear how new media producers navigate this landscape from concept development to distribution, licensing, and marketing.
Moderator: , Strategic Accounts Lead, Pixability
Speaker: , Co-Founder, Senior Producer, Hudson Street Media
Speaker: , Creator, Producer, Break a Leg
Speaker: , Co-Founder & CEO, 7 Robot
Speaker: , Director of Corporate Communications, hi5
B104: Integrating Advertising With Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications for the web. Learn how Silverlight-based advertising solutions integrate into DoubleClick and Atlas as well as how Silverlight can beused for superior search engine optimization (SEO). Come see how Silverlight enables a host of engaging in-stream and rich media advertising scenarios, allowing advertisers to create compelling, best-of-breed brand experiences on the web.
Speaker: , Director of Silverlight Media Evangelism, Microsoft

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4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: Beyond the Classroom: Reaching a Global and Mobile Audience With Elearning
Today’s students expect more than a classroom lecture. They expect to be able to access course content and the entire universe of related archival and research material from anywhere, at any time. Learn what top universities and corporate training departments are doing to keep up with the demands and expectations of these students. This forum will discuss the tools and best practices for delivering elearning in the age of broadband, IPTV, iPods, and instant access.
Speaker: , Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley
Speaker: , Manager, Media Infrastructure and Technology, Sun Microsystems
Speaker: , Producer, Director, Instructor, University of Louisville
Speaker: , Software Development Manager, Stanford University
Speaker: , Digital Media Associate, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy
B105: CDN Research Data: World Content Delivery Networks Market
This presentation will present the latest data from Frost & Sullivan’s research report titled “World Content Delivery Networks Market.” Come hear about the market drivers, restraints, market share, competitive analysis, and industry challenges specific to the video delivery industry. The data presented will also analyze the trends in different regional markets: Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific, as well as provide revenue and demand forecasts for CDN solution providers and peer-to-peer based solutions.
Speaker: , Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition

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Wednesday, September 24

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote:
, Executive VP, Digital Media, ABC

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9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote
, Founder, CEO, Roku

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10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A201: Mobile Video Research Findings: Analyzing the Opportunity
This session will give attendees an insight into what is needed to drive consumer mobile video consumption habits in the U.S. What is driving adoption of mobile internet usage, and what are consumers watching? What devices are most important to the business and why? What are consumers willing to pay for, and what are the advertising opportunities for mobile video? Come hear what opportunities exist today for content owners and operators, as well as how the business of mobile video will change in the future.
Moderator: , Director, Scribe Media
Speaker: , Editorial Director, Teeming Media
Speaker: , VP, Mobile Media, Nielsen Mobile
Speaker: , Head of Mobile Partnership, YouTube
Speaker: , Director, Digital Media, NBC Sports & Olympics
Speaker: , Director, Partner & Product Marketing, MobiTV
B201: Online HD Video: What’s Taking So Long?
High-definition online video content has long been promised, yet the outlets for this vibrant media are few and far between. What is holding up adoption? What is stopping HD from reaching our desktops? We’ll explore this discussion from all fronts—technology, entertainment, and aggregation—to get a feel for what the holdups are and when we can expect to see more HD in the cloud.
Speaker: , Executive Director, Business Development & Strategy, Comcast Technology Solutions
Speaker: , CTO, MTV Networks
Speaker: , Engineering Manager, VidLabs, Microsoft
Speaker: , VP, Digital and Interactive Media,
Speaker: , VP Business and Channel Development, Move Networks
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A202: CDN Pricing: The Going Rate for Video Delivery
With more CDN players in the market than ever before, trying to figure out what you should pay for delivering video can still be quite complex. This presentation will offer real pricing numbers from large, global content delivery networks and show you the average going rate when you outsource delivery to a third party. The session will also cover some of the variables that determine the final price, how you can accurately compare the delivery services of one CDN to another, and give you a list of providers in the market today
Speaker: , Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition

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B202: Closing the Video Gap Between Silicon Valley and Madison Avenue
Silicon Valley is pumping out new ways to slice and dice the internet audience around video content, while a resource-strapped Madison Avenue is being deluged by video start-ups and established media companies alike looking for advertising dollars. The problem is that these cultures don’t know how to talk to each other, and Madison Avenue needs to work with companies that are ready to speak their language. What are the best approaches to not react to but proactively approach new media technologies? This panel pulls together some of the brightest and most candid players who have successfully begun to bridge the gap.
Speaker: , VP Special Projects and Founder, Revision3
Speaker: , Founder, Chief Innovative Officer, Veoh Networks
Moderator: , Editor,
Speaker: , Director of Product Management, Platform-A, AOL
Speaker: , SVP, Real Branding
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A203: How Online Video Fuels New Marketing and PR
In the world of online video, is every view equal? How do we measure success as marketers continue to tap online video as a new marketing and PR medium? As PR and marketing agencies begin to integrate social media into their campaign roadmaps, how does online video fit in? Which leads the campaign—format or content? This session will discuss campaigns that have worked as well as ones that have tanked, and seeks to discern what the consumer is really watching.
Moderator: , VP, eMedia, Rogers & Cowan
Speaker: , Vice President, Digital Marketing Services, Avenue A / Razorfish
Speaker: , Principal, Stun Media
Speaker: , Partner, Diligent, LLC.
Speaker: , Head of Global Television, SAP AG
B203: How to Create a Customized Flash Video Player
What goes into a great Flash Video player? This introductory session will show you the basic components and teach you how to build your own from scratch to get the most customized experience possible. Learn about basic Action-Script 3 options to connect to Flash Media Servers and take advantage of enhanced seeking, and find out how new quality of service metrics help you deliver the best experience to your users.
Speaker: , Sr. Product Manager, Adobe
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A204: Producing H.264 Video for Streaming
Attendees will learn how to optimize quality for their target playback platforms while conforming to the requirements of their chosen streaming technology. The session starts with an overview of H.264-specific encoding parameters, especially profiles and levels, and a discussion of details like B-frame interval and CABAC/CAVLC. It then examines the platform-specific requirements of producing for Flash and QuickTime distribution.
Speaker: , Founder, Streaming Learning Center

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B204: Can P2P Deliver on its Promise for Video Distribution?
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology continues to be a lightning rod for controversy in the online video industry. Will the efficiencies that the most promising implementations of P2P promise to deliver prevail, or will the pitfalls of copyright infringement, network throttling, and other legacy issues prevent P2P from realizing its full potential? Which of the many P2P video distribution entrants will be most successful? Which will fail, and why? What more is needed for P2PTV to thrive in both live and download environments? These and many other questions will be addressed in this interactive session
Moderator: , CEO, DCIA
Speaker: , CTO, BitTorrent, Inc.
Speaker: , Director, Online Media Technology, Verizon Communications
Speaker: , Vice President, GM, Comcast Wholesale
Speaker: , Managing Director, Global Corporate Communications, Cushman & Wakefield

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4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
A205: Planning & Executing Successful Webcasts
No longer just a conduit for corporate communications, webcasting offers exciting ways to engage targeted audiences. Whether it’s for internal purposes such as training, sales, and marketing or consumer-facing entertainment events, effectively reaching your audience requires understanding the strengths and weaknesses of existing technologies, following guidelines for assembling event resources, and selecting the best channel for message delivery. Hear several case studies from webcast events and gain valuable insights into webcasting best practices
Speaker: , Director, Corporate Communications, AMD
Speaker: , Director of Media and Webcasting, Cramer
Moderator: , CTO, Medialink Worldwide
Speaker: , VP, Marketing, Polycom
B205: How Old Media Is Embracing Online Video and New Media
Led by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, this session will discuss how converging media technologies are redefining traditional distribution methods, how interactive and on-demand services are changing, and how entertainment and news video is being consumed. Come hear from some of the leading publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers about the impact that video and new media is having upon their business models.
Speaker: , Senior Director, Product Marketing, TiVo
Speaker: , Editor In Chief,
Speaker: , Executive Director,, Thirteen/WNET
Speaker: , CEO, Co-Founder,
Moderator: , President, Flavor, Inc.

Thursday, September 25

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
, Co-Founder, CEO, EQAL
, Co-Founder, President, COO, EQAL
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
A301: Video Commerce: Selling Online with Video
While video has been used online for years now, e-commerce merchants have mostly been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the value proposition to develop more fully. Now, the web's leading online retailers use video to drive site conversion rates, increase traffic through video search engine optimization (SEO), and deliver a higher quality all-around customer experience. Now is your opportunity to learn from a set of e-commerce luminaries who are blazing the trail for video commerce. We'll discuss the secrets—and pitfalls—of planning, deploying, managing, and optimizing video in an e-commerce environment.
Moderator: , Founder, Video Commerce Consortium
Speaker: , Director Product Management,
Speaker: , Founder, eBags
Speaker: , Founder, CEO, Liveclicker

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B301: The Power of Personal Media
Let's unpack the mythology and reality of UGC: User-Generated Content. We all have cameras. We have free distribution. And, practically overnight, almost everyone can become an independent media producer. What are the stories being told? Who's delivering the excitement, the buzz, and anything resembling an engaging product? Hear a cast of characters bring this story to light, both from the individual perspective as well as the perspectives of the garage moguls, the kids just using new communication tools, and everyone in between.
Moderator: , VP, Strategy and Technology, CrossTechMedia
Speaker: , Director of Marketing, Pure Digital
Speaker: , Founder, Producer, GETV
Speaker: , Co-Founder, Editorial Director,
Speaker: , Video Producer, Echoplex
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A302: Tools and Best Practices for the Enterprise Streaming Media Department
This session will bring together four frontline streaming media professionals to discuss their favorite toolsets and techniques for producing enterprise communications and training content. The emphasis will be on in-house production with “off-the-shelf” tools and apps rather than turnkey or outsourced solutions. What works and what should be avoided? What is the best way to maximize your budget? How can you leverage existing infrastructure already inside your organization? This and more will be covered in this enterprise focused session.
Speaker: , New Media Coordinating Producer, NASCAR Media Group
Speaker: , Manager, Webcast Operations, Raytheon
Speaker: , Creative Director, Space, Lockheed Martin
Moderator: , Founder, VBrick Systems
Speaker: , Senior Manager, Technical Marketing, Cisco
B302: Updating and Syndicating Your Channels for New Media Distribution
Many traditional venues for news, information, and entertainment are in the process of transforming from their old ways to the new Web 2.0 models (syndication, tagging, comments, live chat, live streaming). Audience viewing habits have also changed and their demands for engaging social media and interactive features often drive the delivery model. Many online video publishers use different strategies, tools, and services to syndicate multimedia feeds. Learn from some of the people that are changing the way traditional media is being syndicated within their businesses.
Speaker: , VP of Sales and Marketing, TubeMogul
Speaker: , GM, Magnet Media Originals
Moderator: , Founder, President,
Speaker: , VP, Digital Media, Reuters
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
A303: Evaluating and Choosing the Right Methods of Video Delivery
With all the various means of distribution and protocols available for video today—CDN, P2P, streaming, progressive download—there is still no single solution that will meet all customers’ needs perfectly across all platforms and devices. Learn the various methodologies for content distribution, as well as the pros and cons of each type. Speakers will also discuss which methodologies apply best to which platforms and geographic locations based on type of content, length and format of video, and target audiences. Panelists will also provide guidelines and formulas for determining the best single and/or hybrid solution for your online video distribution needs.
Moderator: , Director, Technical Operations, ScreenPlay
Speaker: , COO, SVP Sales, EdgeCast Networks
Speaker: , Technical Support Engineer, EMF
Speaker: , VP, Engineering,
Speaker: , VP, Communications, Marketing, Limelight Networks


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