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piano -SPS200由TSL产品的声场标准SPS200麦克风组成,插在Cinela Pianissimo挡风玻璃上, 它包含灵活的内部扩展使用SoundField的原始连接器, maximising the isolation of vibration and noise handling
Featured News, Posted 12 Oct 2016

Tutorial: How to Customize Your Avid Keyboard

Cut的艺术史蒂夫·赫尔菲什解释了如何自定义您的键盘和键盘快捷键,以便在Avid Media Composer中进行流畅和精简的编辑.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 Oct 2016

Review: Video Devices PIX E5H Recording Video Monitor

视频设备PIX E5H 5”液晶显示器和4K录像机提供了很多功能-4K ProRes和H.264 dual recording, image assessment, 以及辅助视频拍摄的工具——在一个小而坚固的包装里.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Sep 2016

Adobe创意云IBC 2016揭示:团队项目,可视化键盘快捷键地图,和更多

Adobe公布了4个关键的创意云应用程序的更新和改进:Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, and Audition
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Sep 2016

Audio Network, Adobe合作伙伴提供从Premiere Pro时间线访问制作音乐库

用户将可以访问音频网络的高质量原创音乐的广泛目录, made in collaboration with the world's best composers, artists, musicians and studios
Featured News, Posted 06 Sep 2016

Review: Livestream Mevo

如果你经常为社交媒体网站制作直播或点播视频, Livestream Mevo可以帮助您制作更精美、更吸引人的视频. While there are some rough edges in version 1.0, and there is a learning curve for operation, 对于任何寻求在社交媒体营销中利用视频力量的组织来说,Mevo都是必不可少的工具.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Sep 2016

Review: Roland V-1HD Audio and Video Switcher

Featured Articles, Posted 08 Aug 2016

SmartSound Rolls Out Sonicfire Pro 6

无缝集成与SmartSound的广泛的免版税音乐库, Sonicfire Pro 6带来了强大的新技术选择, 定制和集成的音乐曲目的视频制作
Featured News, Posted 22 Jun 2016

Are You So Focused On Video That You’re Neglecting Audio?

即使你的视频是完美的,没有什么比糟糕的音频更能让你的流媒体体验变得糟糕了. 无论你是自己运行整个节目,还是从“声音人”那里接收音频馈送,“在将音频与直播视频流相结合时,你需要注意几个方面.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 11 Jun 2016

The VR Camera Disaster

摄像头控制不佳,耳机笨重,结果有时会让人感到恶心. Still, don't write off virtual reality just yet.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2016


为现场观众录制演示文稿,以便稍后按需观看,这并不是什么新鲜事. Neither is webcasting live presentations. 但是,随着在线参与者与现场观众的互动越来越紧密,演讲者向现场和在线观众远程发表演讲,被认为是演讲规范的界限越来越模糊. 本文讨论了制作人在同时管理现场和在线观众和主持人时所面临的挑战.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Apr 2016

Adobe Adds VR Editing and Output, Publish-to-Twitter, and a New Playback Engine in Updates to CC Video Apps

Featured Articles, Posted 13 Apr 2016


Is your company going to make a splash with news at NAB? If you want to be considered for our annual Best of NAB awards, submit your information now to be sure you're on our radar.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Apr 2016


BLOCK, 与著名的城市和嘻哈管理公司伦敦男孩娱乐公司合作创建,并由环球出版制作音乐在英国推出, 借鉴了英国和美国的城市场景,为电视制作了嘻哈风格的曲目, film, radio and advertising
Featured News, Posted 05 Apr 2016

Tutorial: Using the Remix Feature in Adobe Audition CC 2015

This tutorial demonstrates Adobe Audition's Remix feature, 哪个允许您缩短音乐轨道的长度,以匹配您的视频编辑的持续时间.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Apr 2016

How to Eliminate Ground-Loop Hum in Live Event Productions

Every live producer knows half of good video is 90% audio, 侵入性的地面环路嗡嗡声甚至可以破坏视觉上最原始的网络广播. 在这里,我们将了解如何识别问题的根源,并详细介绍两种可能的解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Apr 2016

Review: Red Giant PluralEyes 4

如果你一直在等待一系列重大的改进来决定是升级还是购买PluralEyes 4, the time is right. With tight Premiere Pro integration, stellar syncronization capabilities, and automatic drift correction, PluralEyes仍然是后期制作专业人士可以得到的最好的工具之一.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Mar 2016

Review: Panasonic AG-DVX200

As a longtime user of the Panasonic GH4 DSLR, and the founder/moderator of the now-10,000+ member GH4 Technical Group on Facebook, 我知道有很多谈论使GH4成为松下的AF100微型4/3摄像机的继任者. 当松下宣布DVX200时,门槛设定得相当高. Reportedly, based on the GH4, the DVX200 is all that, and a lot more, but what did it give up to get there?
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Mar 2016

Review: Epiphan Pearl Production Switcher

以下是在华盛顿举行的2016年图书馆计算机会议上,Epiphan Pearl生产切换器在实时切换主题演讲的压力下的表现, DC.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Mar 2016

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