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Review: F&V R300 Ringlight

我重新审视环形灯,因为我在评论Rosco环形灯http://buff时发现了一个解决了两件想要不同的事情.ly/1u7t08l last year. The F&V R300是一种不同的设计,led面向主体,而不是白色塑料. 它在灯的右边还有一个电池座,在左边有一个内置的电源/调光器. The exact two things I said I wanted in a ringlight. But how does it light?
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Oct 2014


Anthony burrokas预览了他的百家乐软件app最新版下载直播2014年会议, "T205: Audio Mixing for Live Production."
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Oct 2014


Stjepan Alaupovic of St. 日本媒体在百家乐软件app最新版下载现场展示了他的营销和品牌会议的预告片, November 18-19 in Huntington Beach, California.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Sep 2014

JVC F.A.S.T. Track Tour Rolls On with DC and South Florida Events

industry consultant Jan Ozer, 谁是流媒体杂志和百家乐软件app最新版下载的撰稿人, will host the seminar, 还会有嘉宾演讲和互动演示
Featured News, Posted 24 Sep 2014


Anthony Q. Artis, author of the Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Guide, 将于11月17日至18日在亨廷顿海滩举行的2014年百家乐软件app最新版下载现场直播上发表全天研讨会和周二上午的主题演讲, CA. 看看安东尼的视频预告片,他将在研讨会和主题演讲中预览他将在活动中展示的内容.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Sep 2014


In the last two articles in this 3-part series on the Sony a7S, 我们讨论了很多关于视频镜头和索尼a7S原生电子卡口的镜头适配器的内容. 现在是时候深入了解索尼a7S作为一款摄像机了, with comparisons to the Canon 5D MKIII and Panasonic DMC-GH4.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Sep 2014


Shawn Lam的Shawn Lam视频呈现了他的百家乐软件app最新版下载现场2014技术跟踪会议的视频预告片, "Choosing Cameras for Live Video Switching and Webcasting."
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Sep 2014


新的超高清兼容迷你转换器和重型迷你转换器4K型号采用6G-SDI技术, 允许客户使用单一类型的转换器来满足SD中的所有转换需求, HD and Ultra HD television formats.
Featured News, Posted 17 Sep 2014

Tutorial: Animating a Company Logo in Adobe After Effects CC

而动画客户的标志可能是一个耗时的过程, it adds more production value and life to your video projects. 本教程将演示如何使用Adobe After Effects CC和Adobe Illustrator创建动态徽标动画.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Sep 2014

Under the Hood: HP Z820 Workstation

下面我们来看看惠普的新旗舰工作站, the HP Z820, 并检查其设计和性能优势,作为一个顶级的视频编辑系统, graphics, effects, and other postproduction tasks.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 08 Sep 2014

Plura to Roll Out New Dual 7-inch Monitor Solution at IBC2014

新的LCM-207- 3g显示器扩大了LCM范围的价格实惠的显示器, 通过集成专门为预览需求量身定制的功能,使成本非常低, 深入的色彩校准,以最大限度地提高图像质量和完整性
Featured News, Posted 03 Sep 2014

Tutorial: Grass Valley ADVC-G1 Converter

一些视频切换器有内置的扫描转换器,用于将VGA信号转换为内部标准,您可以在现场生产工作流程中使用. If you don't have that, 那么你就需要一个转换器,比如Grass Valley ADVC-G1,可以将VGA转换为你的输出. 在本教程中,我们将探讨ADVC-G1是如何工作的,以及如何将其纳入您的工作流程.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 02 Sep 2014

教程:简化你的Adobe After Effects工作流程与键盘快捷键

这里有15个键盘快捷键,将提高你的After Effects工作流程的效率.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Sep 2014

Review: TorchLED Bolt 220R Remote-Controlled Dimmable Light

Switronix' TorchLED 220R, like the TorchLED 220W, is a compact, dimmable, temperature-adjustable on- or off-camera LED light. 220R型号增加了一个方便的遥控器,可以让你在超过175英尺的距离操作灯.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Aug 2014

JVC F.A.S.T. Track Tour to Feature Streaming Media's Jan Ozer

多城市之旅提供了一系列的演示,以推广其摄像机和相关产品内置的实时高清流媒体功能, 以及为视频专业人士提供有关流媒体技术的信息
Featured News, Posted 19 Aug 2014

回顾:eMotimo TB3可编程泛倾斜头部与犀牛轨道

在这里,我们测试了eMotimo的TB3 3轴运动控制相机机器人与犀牛滑块系统的可用性, versatility, and reliability for live production.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 Aug 2014

LED Fresnels: Two Takes on Design

For location lighting, moving around a lot, and travel, fililex LED套件在一个小而轻的封装中提供了惊人的功能和灵活性. Designed for use as a fixed solution, for a small sound stage, or grip truck, the Gus 41 makes a perfect solution. It is very wide and soft or small and focused as needed.
Featured Articles, Posted 11 Aug 2014

How to Produce Professional Aerial Video, Part 2: Choosing a Gimbal and Capturing Stable, Usable Shots

In Part 2 of our 3 part series on mastering aerial video, 我们将探讨选择和组装一个万向系统的挑战-从DIY选项到完全组装套件-以确保顺利和成功的飞行操作和捕获稳定, usable, professional-quality aerial shots, and also look at monitoring approaches and options.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Aug 2014

Atomos Intros Open HDMI Standard for Video Pros

With new standard, 用户可以使用HDMI连接,并从相机本身自动触发外部设备的功能, just as they have for years with SDI
Featured News, Posted 05 Aug 2014

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