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USB Capture family of plug-and-play, 外部捕获设备帮助面向支持的流媒体提供商提高其客户的生产质量,具有出色的易用性

Stretch Internet 一家提供全方位服务的流媒体平台提供商是否会以向客户提供“出色的支持”为荣. Needing flexible, 易于使用的接口设备,可靠地连接客户端的视频源到他们的流媒体系统, Stretch found the USB Capture family from Magewell to deliver these benefits and more at cost-effective pricing.

成立于2003年,为规模较小的学院和大学的体育部门提供价格合理的流媒体服务, Stretch已经发展成为北美大学体育领域最大的流媒体提供商,同时将其客户群扩展到娱乐场所, churches, healthcare, municipalities and more. 每年有超过600个组织信任Stretch来直播超过65,000个活动.

而Stretch的核心产品是他们自己的直播平台, their involvement with their customers’ productions goes far deeper, 针对每个客户的特定需求定制端到端生产工作流程. "We treat every customer individually and separately, as they each have their own needs, budgets, goals, and levels of technical expertise," said J.D. Fox, Operations and Production Manager at Stretch Internet. “我们设计了工作流程,从在场地内放置摄像机的位置开始, and make all the equipment recommendations right down to the cables."

While some of Stretch's clients use dedicated encoding hardware, 他们的大多数项目使用相机到计算机的工作流,以及基于软件的流媒体制作工具,如Telestream Wirecast. 这些工作流程的一个关键组件是捕获设备,用于将基于HDMI或sdi的视频和音频信号带入计算机.

IEEE-1394(“火线”)标准以前使相机与许多计算机连接, 但当兼容1394的产品变得不那么常见时,Stretch开始寻找替代品. Ease of use and reliability were obvious requirements, 他们的客户使用Mac和Windows电脑,还有各种各样的相机, flexible compatibility was also important. "We were looking for what was going to work next, and what was going to work universally," recalled Fox. "Magewell had the right product at the right time."

根据客户的确切需求,Stretch使用来自多个供应商的产品, but for a significant percentage of use cases, Magewell's external, plug-and-play USB Capture devices top the list. In addition to Wirecast, Stretch的客户将Magewell设备与BlueFrame Technology的Production Truck等软件一起使用, Open Broadcast Software (OBS), vMix and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder.

"For a lot of our use cases, USB捕获系列不仅是最具成本效益的产品, but it’s also the best product in the space irrespective of price," Fox praised. "They work flexibly in any scenario, 它还能捕捉一些流行相机的视频格式和帧率,这是其他产品无法做到的. 对于许多用户来说,它是市场上唯一真正跨平台兼容的产品."

尽管Stretch在四年前才开始指定Magewell USB Capture Plus设备, nearly a quarter of Stretch’s college sports clients now use them. 在这些配备了magewell的客户中,超过一半的人使用多个USB Capture单元(有些多达7个)来流式传输多个摄像机角度和多个运动.

这些设备的易用性使Stretch和他们的客户都受益. “USB Capture设备确实简化了我们让用户快速启动和运行的能力," said Fox. "It’s very easy to train somebody. Just plug HDMI or SDI into one end of the device, plug USB into the other end and into the computer, and you’re good to go."

Magewell与第三方软件的无缝集成也被证明是有益的. "Unlike other products we've tried, 使用Magewell设备,我们可以直接在流和编码软件中更改输入参数,而无需先停止流, and without needing a separate utility," said Fox.

Most importantly, Magewell设备正在帮助Stretch Internet满足并超越客户的期望. “我们的目标是提高客户的生产质量,让他们的工作更轻松, all while working within their budgets," Fox concluded. "Magewell's products enable us to do that."

About Magewell -成立于2011年,专注于视频和音频处理核心技术. 以不断创新为指导原则,为客户提供卓越的支持, Magewell has earned a strong reputation for the exceptional quality, performance and reliability of its I/O devices. Distributed globally, Magewell产品广泛用于包括广播在内的各种专业视频应用, live event streaming, medical imaging, lecture capture, surveillance, video conferencing, gaming and more. For more information, please visit

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