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Church and Slate: How Houses of Worship Can Become Media Companies

Houses of worship can benefit from adopting concepts, 工具, and workflows from mainstream media companies to extend their reach and grow their ministries. 我们将在本文中讨论其中的几个, 包括制定内容策略, 内容创作, 资产管理, 在线直播, 收集和评估分析, 和更多的.

Media and technology companies have always understood the value of intellectual property, 它是否采取了情节电视的形式, 故事片, 或者应用程序和信息. Houses of worship should recognize that they too produce valuable media assets. Churches can learn several things from Hollywood and tech firms, since 内容创作 for the faith-based market in many ways parallels the content production cycles of media companies.

While it is a given that religious organizations should keep spirituality as the foundation of their efforts, 教堂, 会堂, and mosques should also look at content production and distribution—and 在线直播 in particular—from a business perspective as well.

Houses of worship can use video for their outreach as a way of growing their ministry. Online video is an effective communication and discovery agent. It provides an opportunity to reach out to more congregants and enable them to connect with you from almost anywhere around the world on any device. 也因为媒体习惯的改变, viewers are looking for other ways to consume content outside of traditional television broadcast models.

作为一个不断壮大的礼拜堂, you can provide an alternative to secular shows by offering your own brand of streamed programming. Streaming video is a key catalyst in driving more consumers to view more content. It helps you disseminate knowledge, and creates a global unified experience in real time.


Houses of worship simply are online broadcast 网works that deliver exclusive original programming to people who are seeking it. Religious services are generally timeless and can be viewed multiple times over many years since the messages are universal, 除非它们是关于主题的.

不管他们传递的信息有多强烈, just as with broadcast television or any other online media, 教堂 should produce video content consistently in the best quality possible. Viewers have become much more sophisticated and savvy about online video, 对质量有一定的期望. Streaming should not be an afterthought, but rather a focus for your house of worship. It should be treated as a priority since these are direct touch points to your current and future congregation. It should be viewed as the primary form of communication outside of your physical location.

My experience as a new media advisor and consultant for the entertainment, 游戏, and technology industries helped me recognize that there are concepts, 生产工具, and workflows from mainstream media companies that houses of worship can adopt to help them engage with their audiences and provide a better experience. In this article, I’ll cover several elements of this process, including the following:

• Content strategy: Identifying your story and figuring out how to tell it.
• Content creation: Understand the value of your content and preserving it by using the highest-quality 生产工具 and technology, 雇佣合适的生产人员.
• Managing your content using media 资产管理 software.
• Distributing content to streaming and content platforms.
• Engage with your parishioners: Marketing to your audiences, 到达他们所在的地方, and include them in the conversation through sharing and social media.
• Evaluating and analyzing: Collecting analytics, and choosing resources that help you decode what all the data means.