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教程:构建用于vMix的远程AWS EC2服务器

Are you curious as to what the AWS EC2 server is all about and what it can do for you? Let's say that your current computer setup is subpar or perhaps you need a second unit for remote production using vMix. EC2是一个可行的解决方案.

Are you curious as to what the AWS EC2 server is all about and what it can do for you? Let’s say that your current computer setup is subpar or perhaps you need a second unit for remote production using vMix. EC2(弹性云计算)是一个可行的解决方案.

In a nutshell, an AWS EC2 Server is a computer that you build virtually through Amazon Web Services. You can make it as powerful as you need or run the very basic version for super-lightweight tasks. 更多信息 here.

有时候,我们最好卷起袖子,直接投入其中. 这正是我在20年所做的2北德克萨斯爱尔兰F队1人节日,如所述 Anthony burrokas的2021年6月流媒体案例研究. I was brought in as a remote producer and was also tasked with building multiple instances of cloud computers running vMix.

我以前从来没有这样做过,但还是成功地做到了?. 下面是方法.


首先:您需要一个Amazon Web Services帐户. 注册后,以Root用户身份登录(无限制访问).   这将把您带到EC2仪表板. 您将在这里构建EC2服务器的第一个实例.


Before you set up your first instance, you’ll need to adjust a couple of settings. 这将有助于简化流程.

1. 在EC2 Dashboard的左列上,单击Network and Security.

2. 然后转到安全组,如图所示 图1(下面). 在页面的右上角单击橙色按钮创建安全组.

Figure 1. EC2仪表板的安全组部分

3. 为了使实例运行并避免网络问题, 为所有访问打开此安全组. I 强烈 建议您在启动并运行后更改此设置.

4. 单击“创建安全组”后,应用以下设置:

  • 名字:随你的便
  • 描述:所有访问权限
  • 入站规则:所有Tra?c
  • 出站规则:所有Tra?c

5. 保持在同一个区域(网络)下 & 安全),向下滚动到密钥对. This is where you will enter your instance for the first (and subsequent) times unless you change the password and user information.

6. 在“网络和安全”页签中选择“密钥对”, and then click the big orange button at the top right that says Create Key Pair. 对于密钥对设置,请应用以下内容:

  • 名字:随你喜欢
  • 密钥对类型:RSA (Windows)
  • 私钥文件格式:PEM(打开SSH)或PPK (Putty)(我使用PEM文件).)

7. 然后系统会提示您下载刚刚创建的文件. 把它放在一个安全的地方,并记住你把它放在哪里!



1. 转到左侧列的顶部,单击EC2 Dashboard. This brings you to the same page you landed on when you initially logged into EC2.

2. Right in the middle of the page is a big orange button that says “Launch Instance” (下面的图2). 点击它.

Figure 2. 启动实例

这将使您进入“启动实例”页面. 这里有几个选择.

3. 首先是“命名你的实例”.“这可以是你想要的任何东西! 让它成为一个好的.

4. 下一步是选择您的AMI(亚马逊机器映像). 什么是AMI? 基本上,它是一个由可信的 third party. 您将在映像中找到服务器, 司机, and almost all of the things needed to get your cloud computer up and running. 对于本例,我们将搜索NVIDIA RTX WORKSTATION. 这以前被列为NVIDIA GRID. The Windows version which is called NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation - WinServer 2019.

如果你看一下这张图片的细节 图3(下面),它会告诉你运行它需要花多少钱. 这确实因地点而异. 它的价格通常在美元左右.71/hr using the lightest graphics package that is available for this AMI (g4dn.xlarge).

Figure 3. 工作站使用定价 

请注意 仅当实例是 running. You can still have it in a stopped state and you will only be charged for the amount of storage you have attached to it. 始终记得在会话结束时停止实例!

下一个是实例类型. AMI供应商推荐使用g4dn.xlarge (4vCPU/j16Gib)启动(vCPU=虚拟CPU). 

也就是说,这不是基于使用vMix. 在北德克萨斯爱尔兰音乐节上,我为这段精彩的表演而激动不已! We had many pre-recorded videos paired with 4-8 vMix simultaneous calls going. 我的实例崩溃了,我使用了我的备份计划,也就是我的家用电脑. That type of vMix load would be better suited with a 4xlarge version: 16vCU and 64GiB memory. It is possible to change during a show, but it takes time and is not guaranteed.


See AWS的支持 如需进一步说明.



Figure 4. 启动前要处理的更多实例设置

  • Key Pair: 简单,我们已经设置好了! 只需选择您已经配置的密钥对.
  • Network设置: 与上面的场景相同! Choose “Select existing security group” and then pick the setting you have previously set up.
  • 配置存储: 您的实例将带有30gb的通用存储空间(GP2). This is enough to get started but you will likely need more if you record to the hard drive. 那可以以后再做.
  • 高级设置: 我们现在不会冒险讨论这些问题!



现在,再执行几个步骤就可以进入实例,以便进行准备 您的EC2实例 用于vMix.

  1. 回到EC2仪表板并单击Instances.
  2. 您的实例现在应该正在运行. 如果没有,右键单击Instance,然后单击Start Instance.
  3. 运行后右键单击并选择连接.
  4. 选择RDP客户端(远程桌面协议), 下面的图5).
  5. 下载RDP桌面文件.
  6. 如果你在Mac上工作,添加实例,然后双击它. Then copy the Public DNS and paste it into the Computer name when prompted from RDP. 如果你的操作系统是Windows,只需下载RDP文件并双击即可.
  7. 接下来,单击“获取密码”.” (Note: Sometimes you have to wait 5-10 minutes after a new Instance is set up before you are allowed decrypt the password.)
  8. 找到您之前保存的密钥对文件.
  9. 复制并粘贴密钥对,然后单击“解密”.
  10. 复制密码到RDP.
  11. 点击连接.

Figure 5. 选择RDP客户端

一个弹出窗口打开,新实例正在运行. 在下载和安装vMix之前,我们还需要做一些事情.

第五步:安装 .. NET Framework 3.5

要从这里开始,您需要安装 .. NET Framework 3.5.具体方法如下:

  1. 在windows搜索中搜索“Server Manager”.
  2. 开放服务器管理器.
  3. On the dashboard under Configure this Server, click on Add Roles and Features.
  4. 在左列中,向下滚动到功能.
  5. 点击列表中的第一个特性, .. NET Framework 3.5.
  6. 单击Next.
  7. 单击Install并让它在后台运行,直到完成.



  1. 右键单击屏幕右下角的扬声器图标.
  2. 点击声音.
  3. 弹出窗口打开. 放了它,关上音箱.



The next thing you’ll need to do is set up a second user with a Name and Password you will remember. 这样,您就不必每次都经历密钥对过程.

  1. 在Windows上搜索用户.
  2. Add user.
  3. 按照提示.


Here is a list of downloads that I keep updated in a file folder on my computer desktop that is hosting the remote session or dropbox for a new install. One of the first things I do when I create a new instance is to transfer the entire folder to the desktop of the instance.

结果出来了! Many steps, but they do move much faster after you get though it the first time.

Enjoy your new Cloud-based computer and up to 100Gbps of networking throughput!

In interviews with two fellow producers on the all-virtual 2021 North Texas Irish Festival, 包含六个并发实时提要的多通道事件, 使用vMix和AWS在云中生成, Anthony burrokas为我们介绍了一个复杂的云产品, 包括挑战和经验教训.
钟摆在短暂的一段时间内重新偏离了流媒体, 但COVID让数百万人看到了权力, 能力, and convenience of streaming—from the provider's reach to the attendee's convenience. 它也帮助很多人意识到这并不像看起来那么容易. I see the end result moving that pendulum toward more streaming—and more kinds of streaming—in the near future.
LiveX's Corey Behnke and Social180Group's John Porterfield discuss the essential cloud-based tools in their live production workflows from the 直播峰会 at 流媒体西部 2022.
vMix Operations Manager Tim Vandenberg and 流媒体's Shawn Lam discuss multistream encoding via GPU unlocking, SRT输出, 新的混合效果和更多的vMix 26和更多的vMix展位在NAB 2023.
This quick tutorial for remote producers should enable you to bring guest presenters into vMix via vMix Call and give you the ability to talk to them, 并赋予他们与你交谈的能力, 没有听众的倾听. Then, 当来电者上线时, the bus will automatically switch and the audience will hear them but they will not hear what's going on outside of the live show.