
流媒体连接2024将于8月20日至22日提供实用的建议, 鼓舞人心的思想领导力, actionable insights, and lively debate. You'll hear the innovative approaches that the world’s leading organizations and experts are deploying in live streaming, OTT, content delivery, content monetization, and much more. 我们很高兴能提供这一系列的网络活动, and look forward to continuing to provide our industry with cutting edge information and education that you can't get anywhere else.

Tuesday, Aug 20

Online Sessions


TUE1. 广告顾问:提供转化的流媒体广告

10:00 AM2024-08-202024-08-20

8月20日星期二上午10:00.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

Advertising on CTV, OTT, 如今,移动流媒体是一个热门话题, in part because even formerly subscription-centric streaming services and platforms are increasingly adjusting their monetization models to build advertising revenue. It’s also because measuring and maximizing advertising in the ecosystem involves elusive art and science. 本次会议面对当前的挑战(或, some would say, failures) to reliably deliver the right ads to viewers and measurable results to brands and discusses innovative technologies and strategies to make streaming ads perform.


, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV


, Director, Ad Operations & Technology, Infinitive

, SVP、商业智能、 广告看法

, 业务运营副总裁数字和流媒体; Estrella MediaCo

, SVP of Research & Marketing, Vevo


TUE2. 厂商主题:云计算

11:30 AM2024-08-202024-08-20

8月20日,星期二:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)


TUE3. 现在是个人化:人工智能和流媒体个性化

01:00 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

8月20日星期二下午1:00.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)

Many of the ways AI is poised to alter the streaming ecosystem happen behind the scenes, involving the streamlining of workflows or the automation of repetitive production or delivery tasks. 但人工智能也有可能改变观看体验, 使它们更加个性化和沉浸式. The panel explores what’s possible and what’s probable and how we can expect to see AI’s real-world impact on streaming experiences take shape in the months and years to come.


, Founder & Managing Partner, Luminacion


, 首席内容官, TCL

, 高级工程总监, Google TV


TUE4. Breaking FAST:如何使用FAST新闻获得成功

02:30 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

8月20日,星期二,下午2:30.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

News broadcasting is one of the most exciting and quickly growing areas for FAST development, highlighted by the early 2024 announcement of the BBC/AMC 24-hour live FAST news channel. 其他传统媒体新闻广播公司也在FAST新闻领域下了重注, 他们中的许多人都专注于本地内容, 为FAST生态系统带来更多活力. 快速新闻的当前趋势和挑战是什么, 以及FAST作为新闻媒体的表现如何?


, Founder & Managing Director, 本地法案顾问


, Founder & CEO, Ashling Digital

, VP & 新闻标准主管, Scripps Networks

, GM of Video & Audio, Bloomberg Media


TUE5. Hat Trick: Delivering Live-Streaming Experiences That Scale, Perform, and Engage

04:00 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

8月20日星期二下午4点.m. - 5:00 p.m. (ET) / 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (PT)

Live streams at scale offer great payoffs for fans and brands alike for all kinds of events, 从体育到音乐会和节日. 有效的流提供个性化, 传统广播无法比拟的互动体验. But succeeding with live streaming at scale means facing heightened challenges for maintaining high-quality, 一致的正常运行时间和无缝的广告体验,同时防止海盗. This panel of large-scale event streaming experts delves into the ongoing challenges of delivering great streams at scale in 2024.


, Consultant, Reality Software 以及流媒体特约编辑


, 全球领导者,解决方案架构,M&E, Games and Sports, Amazon Web Services

, Director, Ad Operations & Technology, Infinitive

, CEO, B Live

, President, Team Whistle, DAZN集团旗下公司

Wednesday, Aug 21

Online Sessions


WED1. 越过篱笆:随着围墙花园的扩散,CTV和FAST频道盈利

10:00 AM2024-08-212024-08-21

8月21日(星期三)上午10:00.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

The emergence of the smart TV OEM has created increasing opportunities for platform distributors and challenges for content providers as distributors grab greater percentages of inventory and revenue splits to generate greater revenue upside to selling the hardware. How do programmers contend with the high costs of programming that require ad support among the next generation of walled gardens in smart TV OEMs that have burst on the scene with generous inventory splits and registered users? How does the universal identifier conundrum contend with the increasing importance of contextual alignment? Who can best govern fair business practices that allow the buy side to have equal access to the various supply channels, 各方如何才能共同繁荣?


, EVP, Crackle Connex


, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV

, CEO, IAB Tech Lab

, 北美洞察部主管, Samsung Ads

, Roku广告交换主管, Roku

, Founder & Managing Director, 本地法案顾问


WED2. 订阅管理和大重新捆绑

11:30 AM2024-08-212024-08-21

8月21日,星期三:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)

随着市场分化和整合的不断推波助澜, streaming services that rely entirely or in part on sustained subscription revenue need more than great and plentiful content to fight churn and keep subscribers engaged. 随着消费者预算收紧, 免费和广告支持的选项不断增加,并成为新的规范, so subscription-based streamers need to make it as easy and seamless as possible for consumers to discover and access the content they want. 越来越多地,这意味着捆绑和精简产品. This panel’s mix of content owners and subscription management strategists and experts discuss the art and science of making subscriptions smoother, simpler, 而且要尽量防搅拌. 


, Principal, Erickson Strategy & Insights


, 校长及创始人, Hub娱乐研究

, 合伙人管理主管, Plex


WED3. 与Evan Shapiro的炉边谈话

01:00 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

8月21日星期三下午1时.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)


, Owner + Cartographer, ESHAP


WED4. Tech Talks

02:30 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

8月21日星期三下午2:30.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

Industry leaders discuss and present the latest cutting-edge solutions and strategies to help you maximize efficiencies and minimize costs in your streaming video workflow. 参加会议有机会赢得50美元的亚马逊礼品卡!


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, 今日资讯公司.


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, 今日资讯公司.


, Manager、产品管理、 AJA Video Systems


WED5. 前因素:削减云流运营成本

04:00 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

8月21日星期三下午4点.m. - 5:00 p.m. (ET) / 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (PT)

The case for migrating streaming architecture and workflows to the cloud is usually made in terms of scalability, flexibility, and substantial cost-savings over the largely fixed-cost nature of on-prem streaming operations. But cloud-based streamers can incur substantial operation costs as well with egress fees and negligent tendencies to keep systems running at the wrong times. 随着行业的大部分已经开始接受基于云的流媒体, the conversation shifts to managing and streamlining cloud OpEx and implementing strategies and technologies for making those operations as cost-efficient as possible. 这个专家小组解释了如何.


, CEO, 流媒体视频技术联盟


, 高级总监,先进生产技术, CBS Sports, Paramount Global

, Vice President战略媒体解决方案; A+E Networks and SMPTE, DPP

, VP战略客户开发; Zixi

, 主要解决方案架构师MEGS, AWS

Thursday, Aug 22

Online Sessions


THU1. 研究主题:直播技术趋势

10:00 AM2024-08-222024-08-22

8月22日星期四上午10:00.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

What are the most critical business and technical challenges of live streaming in 2024? What platforms and protocols are in play, from acquisition and ingest to delivery? 向云工作流程的过渡仍然是主流趋势吗? 对流延迟的现实期望是什么, 流媒体和观众最看重的是什么? 直播内容消费的设备格局是如何形成的? Data takes center stage again at Streaming Media Connect as we report findings from Streaming Media’s latest live-streaming survey, 是在今年6月和7月进行的, 所以这些发现是新鲜的, 分析甚至更加新颖.


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, 今日资讯公司.


, Co-Founder, Softvelum

, Founder, 帮助我流研究基金会


THU2. 人工智能的真正价值——争论仍在继续!

11:30 AM2024-08-222024-08-22

8月22日星期四:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)

受大众需求的影响! 在“AI或不AI?” debate on “The Real Value of Artificial Intelligence” in today’s streaming ecosystem at 纽约流媒体,我们的辩论从前提开始 that the rapid acceleration of AI technology and its implementation has brought us to M的拐点&E industry, the workflows that drive it, and possibly the future of work itself. 在这一点上,它真的是采用/适应或死亡吗? What is AI really worth, and where does it matter most to streaming practitioners in 2024? 这场辩论在流媒体连接上继续进行, as key industry thought leaders and stakeholders take their stands and make their cases. 收看,学习,并最终 pick the winners. 观众决定,只有一方可以得奖!


, Owner + Cartographer, ESHAP


THU3. Case Studies

01:00 PM2024-08-222024-08-22

8月22日星期四下午1:00.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)

在流媒体行业,就像在其他地方一样,没有什么是成功的! Learn about real-world problem-solving with cutting-edge streaming solutions as key industry vendors and their users share in-depth stories of successful implementations and applications. 参加会议有机会赢得50美元的亚马逊礼品卡!


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, 今日资讯公司.


THU4. 评估大容量、低延迟的转码选项

02:30 PM2024-08-222024-08-22

8月22日星期四下午2:30.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

High-volume, 低延迟转码选项对于会议至关重要, gaming, gambling, auctioning, 以及其他实时应用程序. In this session, we evaluate the cost, throughput, quality, and latency delivered by multiple software and hardware transcoding options for H.264、HEVC、AV1,包括Intel、NVIDIA、AMD等厂商. 


, Owner, 流媒体学习中心