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流媒体预览:计算而冷却与网飞公司, Adeia, 流媒体绿色化, 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会


流媒体回归纽约市, 数字媒体世界的中心, 5月20-22日 纽约流媒体,由 媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗 并与流媒体编辑团队共同策划. 坐落在曼哈顿的中城东区,光彩夺目 纽约巴克莱洲际酒店, 纽约流媒体 features three days of engaging programming on cutting-edge topics and packed with dynamic panelists and keynote speakers from the upper ranks of the media firmament. 在这个预览系列中, we’ll zoom in for a close-up look at key sessions in the program and the expert speakers who will bring them to life. 

5月22日,周三,在纽约流媒体,Dom罗宾逊,创始人 流媒体绿化id3as/挪威人的, 会主持一个全明星小组吗, “边冷却边计算”,“由领先的流媒体技术提供商和创新者组成. The panel will discuss 如何 to make media’s tech stack more cost-and energy-efficient and implement sound and sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain.

Dom罗宾逊 has spent over 25 years focused specifically on the complex challenges facing the streaming market. 他创立了欧洲第一个大型CDN, a multicasting pioneer that between 2001 and 2009 it grew to carry over 150m streams each month for clients as diverse as Sky Sports, RT新闻和超过60%的英国网络广播. 2020年,他共同创立了行业特殊利益集团 流媒体绿化, which is bringing together industry actors to focus on energy efficiency and sustainability best practice in CDN and video delivery architecture.


当被问及流媒体绿化小组的起源时 Broadpeak访谈, 罗宾逊说, “GoS grew out of conversations in the sidelines of the 流媒体 and Content Delivery Summit conferences and 2020 and 2021 precipitated into a members association formed from technology vendors, 服务运营商和在线出版商. We are principally focused on raising energy efficiency as a primary design principle for engineering streaming systems. 到目前为止,能源效率在很大程度上是事后才想到的. 我们想改变这一点,让它成为一流的设计原则. 因为流媒体涉及长而复杂的共享供应链, we know that technical choices we make as we design a streaming service can potentially make significant changes to overall power consumption through those systems. 我们正在努力理解这种关系,并且非常实际地这样做.”

小组成员Sujana Sooreddy是一位高级首席软件工程师 网飞公司,主要在媒体基础设施和平台团队工作. A key aspect of her role involves optimizing compute efficiency and resource usage on the platform that supports all media encoding workflows at the company. 她在分布式异步领域很熟练, 注重完善制度,提高效率, 可伸缩性, 和成本效益.

“环境恶化不是一个孤立的问题, 而是需要我们共同努力的共同责任,苏雷迪说. “当我们在流媒体时代的浪潮中航行时, 人工智能发展对计算的需求不断增长, 我们不能把可持续发展当作事后的想法. Purposeful discussions on this topic at forums like SMNYC equip us with the momentum required for collective action. 让这些对话成为真诚的催化剂, 现实生活中的解决方案, helping transform our industry into one that harmoniously balances technological advancements with ecological care."

小组成员Serhad Doken, CTO Adeia,负责技术路线图、研究战略和先进研发&D项目. Doken之前是创新的执行董事 & Product Realization at Verizon where he drove new 5G and 移动 Edge Computing powered services for Consumer and Enterprise Businesses. Prior to Verizon, Doken held positions at InterDigital, Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks, and PSI AG.

"The video ecosystem can advance sustainability by continuing to innovate video compression to reduce data and energy consumption,多肯说. “然而, 随着对带宽密集型内容需求的增加, 压缩工作必须与智能交通管理相结合, 通过对如何以及何时在云上执行运行时做出良好的工程决策, 边缘或设备. 另外, 选择更高效的编程语言, 比如C over Python, 能对视频解决方案的可持续性做出贡献吗."

小组成员Tim Fore-Siglin是一位 特约编辑 流媒体,在流媒体行业拥有超过23年的经验. 他也是 帮助我流研究基金会, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 that researches the use of first-world older technologies as a catalyst to provide low-cost streaming gear for NGOs in emerging economies, 灾区, 以及偏远或农村社区.

在Fore-Siglin 流媒体可持续性状态2024, he writes, “Every year, there seems to be a new power-hungry use case for computing applications. 几年前,它是加密货币. 今年, 它是机器学习(被当作人工智能出售), 实际上不存在的, as simple gaming of machine learning algorithms veering easily toward screed and hate language has s如何n).

“在所有关于加密货币和人工智能的炒作中, one might assume that streaming doesn’t really consume enough energy to significantly move the needle on power generation and consumption. 然而,, while there are numerous narratives floating around on the topic of streaming’s power problem, 流媒体还有一个更大的问题:我们如何让它可持续发展, 尽管它已经成长为全球音频和视频传输的主要形式?”

“Computing While Cooling” takes place on Wednesday, May 22, Day Three of 纽约流媒体. 请查看 完整程序在这里 了解更多关于会议的精彩内容.

今天注册流媒体纽约! 早鸟价格(100美元折扣)在4月19日之前有效.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC预览:营销你 & Networking For Keeps With LPG edu, JustWatch, LinkedIn, Paramount, and Morgan 搜索 International

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, 洛丽·格林, LPG edu创始人, 将主持“营销你? & Networking For Keeps," exploring the best ways to promote your brand and network organically. 确认小组成员是摩根搜索国际公司的凯伦·摩根, LinkedIn的Andy Pondillo, 派拉蒙品牌工作室的Dayo Harewood, and Sara Demenkoff of JustWatch will discuss 如何 to expand your network without it being transactional and the best ways to build a clientele for a new business.

SMNYC预览:CTV vs. 移动——与YumCrunch、Sling、Vevo、Telly和Totem的价值争论在哪里

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, YumCrunch的Mike Duffy将主持一场关于CTV vs . tv当前价值的辩论. 移动. 确认小组成员是Sling 免费的stream的Kent Rees, Vevo的Hedvig Arnet, 泰勒的达拉斯·劳伦斯, and Steve Crombie of Totem will discuss 如何 to recognize generational and cultural differences in who, 如何, and where viewers consume their content and in 如何 user experiences and monetization strategies are crafted for each platform, along with finding the value proposition for each in the current landscape and where the key content categories of premium, 利基市场, 还有社会因素.

SMNYC预览:什么是Premium现在与2E6E6辩论, 票房网络, 图腾全球, 团队吹口哨, 和量子介质

周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, 量子媒体协会的埃里卡·格鲁恩将主持一个讨论这一发明的小组, 许可, 分布, and monetization of premium content—as well as the ROI of investing in it through one means or another, 以及来自2E6E6的内森·库塔的见解, 票房网络的Stan Ruszkowski, 图腾全球公司的史蒂夫·克龙比, 还有团队吹口哨的Joe Caporoso.


周二, 5月21日, 微软首席技术官安迪·比奇和弗里曼特尔高级副总裁, 全球快速频道劳拉·弗洛伦斯将发表流媒体纽约开幕主题演讲. 他们将讨论新的Beat the BUZZR平台, 它是如何将FAST游戏化并资本化电视的, 促成这一切的合作, 以及引擎盖下的人工智能.

流媒体 Sneak Preview: Strategic Trends in CTV Advertising and Monetization With Vevo, 伏波, 光谱, 和DIRECTV

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz 会主持一个全明星小组吗 focused on key developments in ad and monetization strategy coming to CTV in 2024 and beyond, Vevo研究高级副总裁的见解 & 市场营销Julie Triolo, 光谱 Reach全球销售副总裁Dan Callahan, 富博广告销售副总裁Jennifer Monson, 以及DIRECTV广告销售合作主管马修·贾米森.

流媒体纽约预览:订阅处方与Philo, 得了, Lightswitch, 和Hub娱乐研究

5月21日,周二,在纽约流媒体,Lightswitch的联合创始人 & CEO of Monica Villar 会主持一个全明星小组吗 exploring the ever-shifting landscape of subscription streaming television. 已确认的小组成员包括Philo业务发展和伙伴关系负责人Adam Salmons, 得了营销副总裁Giles Tongue, 以及Hub Entertainment高级顾问Mark Loughney.

流媒体纽约预览:痛苦的应用程序与nbc, 赫斯特, 和Hub娱乐研究

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, Hub Entertainment 研究 Principal Jon Giegengack 会主持一个全明星小组吗 on streaming app design and the challenges of delivering smooth, 令人满意的, 以及跨一系列平台的一致用户体验. 确认的小组成员包括nbc环球导演, 创意产品香农麦肯齐和赫斯特电视高级副总裁, 流媒体服务安德鲁·菲茨杰拉德. 


别人如何看待我们,我们如何衡量自己的进步? New data on streaming power consumption will al­low the industry to target further reductions in power consumption while working toward longer-term solu­tions that reuse old technologies alongside current best practices as a way to extend the life of streaming tech for years to come.
