
Flash Media Server 4.5 . iPad版 & iPhone


广播员该怎么办啊? 而移动视频传输则占据了头条, the number of actual users for mobile broadcast content is just a tiny fraction of those viewing content on a desktop or laptop machine. 为更大的客户安装基础, mature delivery solutions like RTMP allow features that HTTP delivery solutions could only dream of. 至少到目前为止.
今天, Adobe 宣布发布Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5, hoping to bridge the gap between mobile/HTTP delivery and the feature set of RTMP that most broadcasters rely on. Almost a year to the day after the company announced its first HTTP动态流解决方案, fms4.5 provides significant enhancements, plus the ability to send content to 苹果 iPad/iPhone/iPod touch devices via HTTP 在线直播 (a.k.a. HLS).
FMS 4.5's primary intent is to leave the heavy lifting of choosing which protocol to deliver in (RTMP, HTTP动态流, HLS, 等)到服务器. FMS 4.5 can generate real-time repackaging of an mp4 file for both HTTP动态流 and HLS, including automated segmentation of mp4 files into the specific fragmented mp4 (fMP4) segmentation required by various Android, iOS和其他移动设备.
除了单流重新包装,FMS 4.5 will also automatically create multiple bitrate segmentations, 对于自适应流, 以及苹果m3u8格式的清单文件. 而不是以前手动重新包装的过程, 分割创造, 清单文件, fms4.5 promises the ability to automate these basic processes.
在清单前面(Adobe的) .f4m扩展), the company has included the ability to create "variant playlists" that can use the same set of streams to target a particular device class (cellular, 3G, 无线网络, 等). with a specific initial bandwidth target for each device class, via a unique manifest file. 此外,以下草案 表意动作规范 (提交给IETF的HLS规范),FMS 4.5 has the ability to generate variant M3U8 playlists for targeted delivery to iOS devices.
与数字版权管理点头,FMS 4.5 will also include DRM based on the Flash Access DRM scheme. Rather than requiring a broadcaster to buy a full-blown Flash Access 3.0 server, however, there will be a limited version of Flash Access baked into FMS 4.5 to cover RMTPe (encrypted) and segment-level DRM (a key feature of fMP4, which separates the header 信息 from each fragment). Adobe claims it is also enhancing DRM to cover iOS devices to a limited degree--a claim we'll explore when we get a chance to review Flash Access 3.0和FMS 4.5 , 因为HLS是基于MPEG-2传输流, which has no inherent capacity for DRM within each packet.
在一个相关的观点上 开源媒体框架(OSMF) 现在位于版本1.6 and allows Stage Video, a feature added to Flash Player last year. 除了, 用于HTTP交付, OSMF now gains enhancements like multiple language tracks, 基本的DVR和捉迷藏, 快进, 倒带)功能.
最后, on the peer-to-peer front (also known as Adobe RTMFP), the company seeks to achieve massive scale 对P2P across multiple servers through the use of NAT (Network Address Translation) 对P2P. This feature has been used in videoconferencing with the H.264编解码器在相当长的一段时间, as well as voice over IP (VoIP) solutions where it is often accompanied by firewall traversal.
The use of NAT for VoIP or P2P is critical in maintaining a point-to-point or multipoint connection between peering points, as most peers only have an internal IP address (such as 192.168.xxx.xxx). NAT allows a single external IP address (the IP address that a router or cable/DSL modem uses, for instance) to be translated to multiple internal IP addresses that sit behind the firewall. If two or more peers use the same external IP address, the potential exists for those peers to communicate with one another, moving content across the local area network (LAN) instead of multiple instances of content access across the broadband (or WAN) connection.
FMS 4.5 will come in five flavors: Besides the development server version, which limits HTTP Dynamic and HLS streaming to 10 minutes, 该公司将拥有流媒体, 互动, 和企业版本(FMSS), FMIS和FMES, 分别). RTMFP将在FMIS上可用, a change from Adobe's previous scenario of only allowing RTMFP on the Enterprise Server version.
第五FMS 4.5 version is Flash Media Server On Amazon Web Services, a hosted solution that provides a number of the Enterprise Server features, but limited in some key areas such as protected streaming for HTTP动态流 and HLS delivery.

FMS 4.5号现在可用.

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