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事件流团队's Jimmy Reid Discusses Live Production with a Customized Blackmagic Kit

Jimmy Reid的事件流团队与流媒体的泰勒Nesler谈论他的公司在现场生产性能的改进,这要归功于他们升级到定制的Blackmagic ATEM 2m /E Constellation高清现场生产切换器套件以及他们过渡到Blackmagic达芬奇Resolve Studio 18编辑, grading, visual effect (VFX) and audio postproduction cloud-based software.

最近又回到了现场直播, 视频制作公司是如何调整他们的工作流程的?快速发展的技术在哪些方面为制作人创造了公平的竞争环境? 我们采访了首席技术官吉米·里德, 事件流团队, 一家位于华盛顿特区的家族企业, 关于他们目前的直播制作方法和使用他们动态的新直播套件,其中包括一个 Blackmagic设计 workflow.

当被问及远程制作期间如何影响事件流团队现在处理现场制作的方式时, in terms of new equipment or new modifications to the ways that they previously worked on location, 瑞德回答说, “我想说我们利用了虚拟生产时间, not having to move gear…as a way to really optimize how we do stuff in person,里德说. “例如, 之前,我们会有很多带着个人装备的公路案例,而且必须连接电缆……在疫情期间,我们在我身后建造了这个工具包,我们可以在40分钟内进入任何场地,并准备好出发. 这样可以节省很多时间, and so we just really invested in technology to assist us with, 第一,最小化设置时间, 第二,能够提供更高端的服务.”

Asked for details on their current kit--visible in the video that accompanies this article--Reid said, “This kit is a dream of mine that I've been having for like the last five years. 在大流行期间,我能够与 Z-Case and ProX cases and they built this design that we came up with collectively. 所以这是一个创作,它是在一张纸上最终成为现实世界的东西, 它基于黑魔法. And so the original plan was to go with a smaller Blackmagic switcher, 但新的星座系列推出的时机恰到好处. 所以我们有一个 ATEM 2 M/E星座高清 作为本案的核心.”

至于Blackmagic设计在构建定制套件中的作用, 里德解释, “Well, 我们给他们打了很多电话. 我的目标是简化有线电视管理, 为了确保新的工作室摄像机有相机转换器可以帮我完成这项工作. 你会对新技术持怀疑态度, 但是我们决定, 在和黑魔法谈过之后, to just really trust their word that the technology was dependable, 我不得不说, 利用 Studio Camera 4K pro 他们的工作室转换器和单一的以太网电缆确实简化了设置和电缆管理, 因为它同时也要保持整洁.”

最近,Event Stream团队在一些独特且具有挑战性的项目中使用了该套件, including a four-hour live streamed court hearing in Baltimore County, and the historic unveiling of William Arthur Smith’s painting, "Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Banneker Surveying the Boundaries of Washington, DC," at the Banneker-Douglass博物馆 在安纳波利斯. Reid described some of the challenges his crew faced on the Douglass-Banneker event in particular. 

“最大的挑战是在物理空间,”里德说. “这是一场混合赛事, so they did have some studio audience and so it wasn't a lot of space for us to set up, 所以我们最后不得不把所有的设备都放在三楼,而所有的摄像机和麦克风都放在二楼. So 利用 Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K pro with the studio converters, 摄像机只需要连接三根电缆, just made it so easy to tape them down and have it be safe and look neat. 同时, 利用2m /E星座, 我可以为我们的幻灯片和ppt提供一个单独的视频馈送,基本上就像把两个开关合二为一. 它只是让它更容易执行.”

“工作室”配置集成了摄像机和切换器,并允许技术总监通过ATEM切换器调整摄像机设置,这也被证明是有价值的. “We actually invested in their camera controller unit as well," Reid said. "That allows us my camera operators to focus on getting a good shot. 然后我有一个活的调色师. Their job is to make sure the shots look great as far as gain, ISO, 都是些无聊的摄影技术. 这样就容易多了, 我们能够生产出高质量的产品, 就生活而言. 当然,在后期制作中,你可以修复一些东西? When it comes to live, you get one opportunity to get it right.”

当被问及事件流团队最近切换到 达芬奇解决工作室18 editing, grading, visual effect (VFX) and audio postproduction software and its overall postproduction process, Reid said, “编辑需要很多时间. Before, 你必须发送硬盘或者严格依赖Dropbox, and there was no real way to collaborate using some of the other editing suites that we've used. 但我们的目标是使用Blackmagic云平台,这样我就可以与全球的编辑和色彩师合作,形成这些关系,我们几乎可以在完成拍摄后立即完成最终产品,并能够将其上传到云端,并让编辑立即开始. 与Blackmagic, 整个技术基础设施都被处理好了, especially since being able to synchronize the files and they can have proxy copies. 我很期待!”

Reid said that he has ordered the 20 TB unit but has yet to deploty it in Event Stream's edit suite. “Once we get that in place then capacity won't be an issue,” he said. “We have a lot of gigs on the books and so I fill up eight terabytes pretty quick! And so for being able to have 20 terabytes available, it's just gonna be set it and forget it!”

至于即将开展的项目, Reid said, “We actually are live streaming a conference coming up in two weeks. 这次会议将是一个我们必须能够真正展示技术的地方,因为我们鼓励我们的客户更具包容性,真正关注并尝试结合美国手语口译员, 确保里面有隐藏式字幕.” He highlighted that they will have a picture-in-picture with the ASL interpreter live. “利用Blackmagic相机的USB输出以4K格式录制,并拥有所有相机的ISO副本……这真的提高了标准。."

里德强调,改善视力或听力受损人士的无障碍环境对他的公司很重要, 这些新的流线型工作流程是在不需要过度投入时间的情况下允许可访问性准确性的巨大改进. 他提到,他的团队多次不得不回去更新YouTube生成的封闭字幕,因为它经常是不准确的, 这是一个非常耗时的任务. 但是这项新技术, he said, 使他的公司从竞争对手中脱颖而出, 尽管他笑着补充道, “我没有竞争对手, 我有未来的伙伴!”

As satisfied as 事件流团队 is with their current custom live production kit, they've still got their eyes on some upgrades as new gear rolls out. “将于2023年第一季度推出, 我们将对我们的Blackmagic基础设施进行额外的投资,我们将进行部署 Blackmagic URSA广播G2 相机,”他说. “因此,我们非常高兴能将这些技术加入到我们正在追求的一些大型项目和机会中. 这将是工具包中非常棒的工具.”

那么,如果你再花300美元,从Blackmagic设计 ATEM Mini Pro升级到ATEM Mini Pro ISO,你会得到什么呢? The previous $300 stretch (from the ATEM Mini) got you a multiviewer, streaming, 和程序记录. 300美元以上,您可以将4个输入中的每一个记录为ISO记录并流式传输到ATEM流式传输桥.
LiveSports LLC的jeff Kethley讨论了迁移到云生产如何改变了他的工作流程以及他在流媒体连接2021年的这个剪辑中分配员工的方式.
如果你正在寻找进入多摄像机实时切换生产,你还没有相机,你正在寻找进入的东西, 将功能丰富的Blackmagic相机(如Studio camera 4K Pro)与ATEM混频器系列相结合,形成了一个伟大的生态系统.
Blackmagic设计将其PxP功能称为SuperSource,它过去只在最高端的交换机上可用, ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 4 M/E广播工作室4K, 和ATEM星座8K. While much of the workflow is the same as we will discuss here, 在本教程中, 我们将讨论SuperSource上最新的和更预算友好的ATEM迷你极限和ATEM迷你极限ISO视频转换器.
一些流媒体专业人士表示,自疫情撼动直播制作的核心以来,云制作在两年内取得了5-10年的进展, but when will cloud offer the sort of no-latency communication, preview, 重播制作人期望并依赖于本地工作流程? And will it require a paradigm shift in the way producers think about hardware purchases and usage? Live X的科里·本克, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, 和Signiant的Jon Finegold讨论了云迁移的挑战和云的现状,这段视频来自流媒体东部2022.
Blackmagic has set a new standard for an affordable and professional all-in-one HD video switcher, and the biggest consideration is which model fits your workflows.
If you're looking for an inexpensive tool to get you into making cinematic videos or films, the Blackmagic设计 Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2 is a great way to get started. But if you want to add a low-cost shoot-and-scoot camera to your toolbox, 你也应该负担得起.