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Paris’ 1889 Exposition Universelle not only yielded the city’s defining structure, 300米的埃菲尔铁塔, but marked the 100th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille and the downfall of the French monarchy. (Never mind that the “century of republicanism” celebrated at the fair had twice been interrupted by coups d’état and lengthy Bonapartist interludes.),然后在古斯塔夫·埃菲尔的建筑中心安顿下来ésistance, 博览会的组织者短暂地众包了这个概念, stipulating only that it had to stand taller than the Washington Monument, 它是一年前横渡大西洋建成的. 这是他们收到的最聪明的建议 是300米高的断头台吗, submitted in ironic salute to the invention that brought the republic the fair would fete inexorably to life.

虽然它比我在流媒体世界的时间早得多, I’ve heard more than one grizzled industry veteran attribute streaming’s early success (not to mention 它的第一个专用技术) to the distribution of adult content that we might be disinclined to commemorate publicly today. 但若干年后,当我们回首往事 M&E宇宙当前的拐点-与…竞争 电视高峰时代的终结 and the recognition that COVID-era subscription numbers are unlikely to return—how will we say streaming survived and thrived, as its primary drivers shifted from unprecedented levels of creative content development to 整合, ad-tiering, 许可的战争?

Early indicators are mixed and are not exactly the type of triumphs to which we’d want to build monuments. 2023年末最引人注目的成功故事可能是 Netflix’s strikingly successful implementation of a password-sharing surcharge. With 35% of American subscribers now paying for a service they had previously accessed for free, Netflix获得了单季度最大的订阅量增长(13%).自2020年以来,这一数字已达到100万美元. But given that lockdown- and crackdown-driven spikes are likely to be one-off events, 在未来的几年里,这些凸起看起来无疑是异常值.

最近的 订阅大战报告 受U委托.K.总部位于美国的数字支付科技公司 得了 points to consumer dissatisfaction with the fractured state of subscription services in general and the increasing appeal of indirect subscription options and super-bundles of aggregated services sold through telcos like 澳都斯 在澳大利亚. Perhaps it’s another sign of less-than-inspiring times that the best thing consumers say streaming services can do for them is to stop standing out from the crowd and start disappearing into it.

Some of the biggest streaming news of early 2024 has concerned high-profile 捆绑销售 plans, with a rumored Paramount-Peacock mer­ger (uniting two companies coming off combined billion-plus quarterly losses) following fast on the heels of ESPN,福克斯和华纳兄弟. 探索频道宣布成立一家大型体育授权合资企业. 虽然 Peamount交易 ran aground quickly and the latter merger has been variously criticized as a Disney Q4 earnings call concoction that represented no actual deals with the NFL or any other significant sports leagues, as well as a monopolistic power grab designed to freeze out legitimate competition, 它很可能会失败,因为它没有消除 足够的 的竞争,说 Hub娱乐研究 主要 Jon Giegengack at 流媒体连接2024.

“即使你只从表面上看,吉耿克说, “乐观地, you’re still missing about 30 percent of all the sports content that’s out there if you don’t have NBC or CBS. And something that has 60 or 70 percent of sports is not 60 or 70 percent as valuable to consumers—it’s 0 percent as valuable. 这是完全不可能的.”

The biggest barrier to establishing super-bundles that would aggregate all of the content consumers want and make their individual sources indistinguishable from one another, Giegengack说, is that “they’re all still hanging onto this idea that ‘I’m going to be the next Netflix, 因此,我们都必须保护自己的品牌,不要过度合作.’”

An exciting prospect in a time when Netflix’s last signature win came from cashing in on punishing password-sharers. 万岁!évolucion.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


奥运会将对美国经济产生巨大影响.S. streaming market this summer with over a quarter of all SVOD subscribers signing up to a new streaming service just to watch the Games from Paris, 根据一项新的研究.


As the prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, the potential disruption created by the blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. 合资企业(俗称“Spulu”)在2月份被嘲笑, what sports licensing will look like as 2024 rolls on and who will be able to afford it is anybody's guess. 在美国,情况会有所不同吗.S. 和欧洲? And as costs are passed on to users, why wouldn't sports fans just stick with cable? 看看ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗等顶级分析师是怎么做的, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, 以及TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克, 在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中说道.

Evan Shapiro Unveils the Q4 Truths for Sony, Nintendo, Disney, Meta, 更多的

Read Part Three of our recap of Evan Shapiro's Q4 keynote earnings analysis from 流媒体连接2024, 在那里,他揭开了大M&像索尼、任天堂、迪士尼、Meta和更多的这样的电子行业玩家.

富宝起诉华特迪士尼公司和福克斯公司.华纳兄弟. 反垄断实践的发现和附属机构

Fubo filed an antitrust lawsuit against The Walt Disney Company, FOX Corp.华纳兄弟. 发现公司. 以及他们的附属机构, alleging that the vertically-integrated media companies have engaged in a years-long campaign to block Fubo's innovative sports-first streaming business resulting in significant harm to both Fubo and consumers. The complaint alleges that the forthcoming launch of a sports-streaming joint venture steals Fubo's playbook and is the latest example of this campaign.


里程碑式研究5,000名美国订户显示了广告的影响, 捆绑销售, 以及对美国订阅经济的密码共享打击

For Loss-Making Paramount+ and Peacock, a Merger Makes Sense—but not Necessarily with Each Other

在追求华纳兄弟之后. Discovery和AppleTV, Paramount is now eyeing up Comcast for a potential union of its streamer Paramount+, 在孔雀的例子中. Or it could be the other way around: Paramount Global has some hot properties making it attractive to rival streamers in a bid to compete better with Disney and Netflix.