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快速市场的现状:欧洲vs .美国. US

The European FAST market 一直以来都是与美国不同的动物.S. one; besides generally lagging a few years behind the U.S. 市场的成熟程度, 欧洲市场有不同的复杂性, 由于语言差异, localization, and other factors  such as how readily available free content tends to be in different markets. But trailing the U.S.它的增长曲线并不一定是劣势, and now, with Europe supplanting North America as the world’s fastest-growing FAST ecosystem, 我们可以从中吸取教训, 纽约的埃文·夏皮罗说道 ESHAP/Media War & Peace 时事通讯和欧洲的马里昂·兰切特 Streaming Made Easy 时事通讯讨论在这个剪辑捕获在 流媒体连接 in November.

“德国现在从一个非常低的基础上增长得非常快. The UK is growing very quickly, Spain is growing very quickly,” says Shapiro. “And there’s a lag time between the growth spurt of FAST in the US and what's happened over there in Europe. 在平台和程序员方面有什么主要区别吗? 其中很多是由本地语言内容驱动的, but a lot of it is coming in dubbed and subtitled on the major platforms. Are you seeing other kinds of major nuances or differentiations between what's happening early days in FAST there and what's happening kind of in a more mature market here?”

“I don’t think we're going to see the same thing happen in Europe that we've seen in the U.S.,” Ranchet says. “市场非常不同. 2019年我在Roku. 这是开始,然后大流行来了,” spurring unprecedented growth nearly everywhere in the streaming world. “So there’s a lot of elements, ingredients that I think we’re not going to see again in Europe. Also, 因为我们在很多事情上都有几年的滞后, 我们倾向于看你做了什么,也调整它.”


“在某些情况下,我们会犯同样的错误, 但这就是第二名的价值所在, I would say,” Ranchet continues. “我认为还有一个事实是,市场非常不同.” In the U.S., when you offer “a free value proposition, I think it’s very distinctive. In Europe, it’s not. 我们从广播公司那里有大量免费的精彩内容. So yes, linear is going down, and especially with younger audiences, there's a lot of struggles. But having said that, we already have a lot of opportunities to watch free content.”

另一个关键区别, Ranchet explains, 付费电视的发展轨迹不同吗, cord cutting, and CTV in the U.S. vs. Europe. "In the U.S., 我觉得互联网电视生态系统确实推动了FAST的发展, 这还是因为脐带剪断," she says. "The Pay TV market is contracting in Europe but not bleeding out in the same way as in the U.S. 因为便宜多了. In France, essentially, for 40 euros you have a Pay TV package with internet, the whole shebang. 所以这其中有很多利害关系."

随着付费电视在欧洲站稳脚跟,FAST又该如何适应呢? “I think there's room for FAST, and I think we'll just make it something different." 

“冥王星和三星正在渗透那里的市场, 比如冥王星结合了英国的My5和冥王星,” Shapiro says. 这两家公司都属于派拉蒙. That's a very different take than anything that they’ve ever seen here.”

“My5是广播公司第五频道的数字中心,”兰切特回答. “你也可以看到当地的广播公司在测试它. ITVX最近庆祝了成立一周年. They’ve launched 25 to 30 channels within these last few months and they generated something like 25 million streaming hours. 他们有3到4百万的观众进出使用它. 所以我认为成功的秘诀会有所不同. 这就是我认为 niche services really have a play. If it's about copying and pasting traditional TV onto FAST—which is what it started to look like—then you’re just going to repeat what’s happening and people are going to turn away. Whereas FAST is the opportunity to bring new guys and so new verticals, 被忽视的话题和被忽视的受众. 还有一个多元化的游戏. 那些没有发言权的人实际上可以通过FAST来表达自己的意见? 这就是我看到的一些事情. The challenge is then the fragmentation—how difficult it is to grow globally when you are going beyond the English language.”

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