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Will OTT Consolidation Hamper Innovation?

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The theatrical-only release of the James Bond film No Time to Die came after about 18 months of uncertainty. 部分不确定性在于影院是否会重新开放, 由于007的制作团队不得不不断推迟上映日期,也许现在是最好的时机?——当时有足够多的影院开门营业,让这部电影有机会实现007那样的票房收入.

Also uncertain was whether No Time to Die 在进入付费点播平台之前,它真的只会在影院进行标准影院放映吗. 当米高梅电影公司还在制作邦德系列电影的时候, before the Bond film’s release was delayed three times, it looked like a sure thing.

But a lot has changed in the premium content world, 其中最重要的是亚马逊收购米高梅, 哪个恰好拥有一个主要的在线流媒体平台提供优质内容. 如果曾经有过一个在经济上有意义的日期发行合作,那就是这一部. Yet as of publication, No Time to Die 即使它已经进入了视频点播服务,它还会在影院上映吗.

在过去的18个月里,并购活动比比皆是. 但这让我想知道,所有这些整合是否会导致创新. My gut says no, and plenty of industry pundits agree. And yet, 大约12年前,我们在流媒体领域看到的一件事是围绕视频会议编解码器H的合并.264以及整合到单一编解码器时代对行业整体增长的意义.

One area where we might see innovation 通过整合是认证付费视频点播(VOD)服务用户的一种标准化方式, which is sorely needed, 即使是在大约6年前单点登录(SSO)电视无处不在热潮之后. There are a number of SSO options available, such as from Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Samsung, 但它们都没有被大量的VOD/OTT提供商持续采用.

我们可能看到的另一个创新领域是,订阅者在国外旅行时可以在本国观看他们订阅的内容. After all, if Amazon owns MGM, 这应该能解决大多数阻碍进展的地理阻塞问题.

Like I said, a number of industry observers disagree with me, at least on the surface, for a variety of reasons. An article in Vox/Recode by Rani Molla and Peter Kafka sums 他说:“过去的媒体格局很简单:内容公司(工作室)制作东西(电视节目和电影),然后卖给付费电视分销商, who sold it to consumers. 现在,一切都在争夺之中:Netflix从电影公司购买内容, but it’s making its own stuff, too, and it’s selling it directly to consumers. That’s one of the reasons older media companies are trying to compete by consolidating.”

An article in WIRED 它的标题和桥面抓住了所有的挫败感:“下一个流媒体战争时代看起来非常像电视。. 本周,华纳传媒和探索频道宣布合并. Soon, streaming could be dominated by a Big Three. Sound familiar?" 

And finally, in an article in Observer, "The Streaming Wars Will End in Treaties. They Won’t Be Pretty,作家布兰登·卡茨(Brandon Katz)说,“娱乐业的中产阶级化还远没有结束。. As such, 随着媒体行业继续缩小,流媒体战争是否会为我们决定,这是公平的. If so, 哪些服务将成为赢家,强大的流媒体核心将如何影响传统娱乐?"


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