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SMW '19: Flavor Inc.何塞·卡斯蒂略谈论流媒体的过去和未来


蒂姆Siglin: 何塞-卡斯蒂略 is with me, of course I'm 蒂姆Siglin, Contributing Editor for 流媒体杂志. Jose and I live about 20 miles from each other and we get to see each other twice a year. 一次在纽约,一次在南加州,在洛杉矶市中心.A. 今年,这个活动结束了. 杭廷顿海滩. 你已经有一段时间了.

何塞-卡斯蒂略: 把我说得像家具的一部分.

蒂姆: 是96年吗??

何塞: 无论- - - - - -

蒂姆: 抱歉,不是96年,是2006年.

何塞: 不,不,不,是15

蒂姆: 对,对,对,对. 所以我猜是2004年.

何塞: 我不知道,已经好几年了. 是的,我也经历过.

蒂姆: And you went from showing up, to actually being an integral part of the structure of these events.

何塞: 好吧, 很有趣,而且我有你, 蒂姆Siglin, to blame for that because I was interested in technology and really was kind of geeking out on some stuff. And this is still fairly early on in the internet days, and hardware and software.

蒂姆: 这是我们在田纳西州做极客南方节目时的情景. 我说,“嘿,纽约有个节目,你得去看看."

何塞: 是的,所以, 你说, “如果你为杂志写一篇文章, 然后埃里克会给你一张演出的票."

蒂姆: 正确的.

何塞: 于是,我去了纽约,写了那篇文章,埃里克很喜欢. 这是一种独特的, funny perspective on technology and that was something that wasn't really going on in the trade publications at the times.

蒂姆: You're unique and funny in a way that most of us, who are geeks, just don't really work.

何塞: 基本上我找到一份工作是因为我有点搞笑.

蒂姆: 对,对.

何塞: 就是这样.

蒂姆: 显然,你和丹·雷伯恩共事多年. 现在你和埃里克一起工作,他也接管了这个角色. So, 你觉得这个节目怎么样, 从你早年入行开始, 你在第一场秀之后才来了大概6年. 但是,就像你说的,你已经看到它15年了. How has the, sort of, morphed, what are the emphasis changes that have sort of come into play?

何塞: 一切都是不同的,一切都是一样的. It really is interesting to me how, the trends change, what we call the technology changes. 但一切都是一样的. It's interesting like, today in the keynote Amazon Fire talking about their Fire TV. 他们推出了一个新设备

蒂姆: 叫做爆破者.

何塞: 的导火线. 这是一个红外线发射器,这是20年前的技术

蒂姆: 你刚说爆破药, that's exactly what came to mind was this little device that you press and it would shoot it to a whole bunch of different-

何塞: 所以,一切都是新的.

蒂姆: 家庭自动化解决方案.

何塞: 对,但一切都是一样的. 所以,我们正在解决新的问题,我们看到新的令人兴奋的技术出现. 但很多都是为了帮助人们找到或观看内容.

蒂姆: 这是真的. 我的意思是发现,如果你想一下,那是在早期. You would buy like a web DB, and you'd have this mini keyboard you'd have to type stuff in on.

何塞: 有了谷歌电视.

蒂姆: 对,是的. 是的,我用的是索尼的,感觉就像playstation. But then you went from that sort of full keyboard to the total opposite direction with Apple and the minimalist six button device.

何塞: 是的.

蒂姆: 现在,很明显Alexa和其他工具正在做的是使用语音来做到这一点. 所以,你是对的,从根本上说,我们是在发现和体验内容. 你认为流媒体的意图已经改变了吗? 因为在展会的早期有很多企业关注, 然后是一些教育和娱乐. 我们似乎也在这些事情上循环往复.

何塞: 我们所做的. I think the walls have broken down a little bit, because it used to be very segregated. B2B, B2C. 这是企业级的东西,这是消费者级的东西. But now, it's just everything's together and I think that's one of the big shifts we've seen. 是现在,你让每个人都在每个空间玩吗. 大男孩到小男孩都在同一个舞台上.

蒂姆: Fair play and speaking of play, within eSports and gaming and that kind of thing. 我们刚开始的时候谁能想到呢, 推奇可以卖到10亿美元, 只是在看, 你还记得犹斯丁吗?.电视,那是他直播的全部. 然后突然变成了人们看电子游戏. 最近有人告诉我, 我不是游戏玩家, but somebody was telling me recently that the reason they really like Twitch at low latency, is so that they can play along in the game themselves and find the moves that they need to do if they can keep up. 如果延迟12秒呢, they'd be sitting there waiting to battle some monster and not know what to do and like that.

何塞: 是的,这些东西只会让联系变得更好. 这就是为什么我认为这又回到了人际关系和社区. And I see some of the same people for the last 15 years that have been a part of this industry. 以及我和他们之间的私人关系, 但从商业角度来看也是如此, 对我来说很神奇. 这是一个小的, 紧密的社区, and I feel like it's been an honor to be a part of it over the last 15 years and have these friendships built that way.

蒂姆: And streaming has allowed you to do something that you're doing completely outside of this, 纳斯卡赛道现场直播. 我是说,这依赖于流媒体作为

何塞: 确实如此.

蒂姆: 这是交付.

何塞: 是啊,很有趣,我看到两个世界在碰撞. 每当我看到我的纳斯卡生活和我的流媒体生活发生冲突时. 我们明天有主题演讲,是纳斯卡的一位主管. 是啊,所以会很有趣的. 顺便说一下,如果你在看的话, 明天早上一定要收看流媒体.Com,你可以观看现场演讲,这将是一个非常棒的演讲.

蒂姆: 是早上9点吗?

何塞: 是的.

蒂姆: 早上9点1分,也就是东海岸的中午.

何塞: 是的. So, 我认为这些区域的碰撞对我来说, 这很有趣,因为我总觉得他们是分开的. This is very geeky over here and over here I'm being a host and having fun in the entertainment world. 所以看到重叠和这些东西结合在一起总是很有趣.

蒂姆: 太棒了. 好了,何塞,谢谢你和我们坐在一起. 下次采访我们马上回来,希望

何塞: 嘿,嘿,等一下,等一下. Before you go, give me a shout out, make sure you hit me up @thinkjose on Twitter, Instagram. Send me a little note, I want to know what your thoughts are on your favorite 流媒体 moment. And I went back through and read through some of our old 文章 that we wrote years ago, 我女儿读了一遍,非常搞笑. So, send me your favorite 流媒体 moment and I'll see you guys online, thanks Tim.

蒂姆: 你得带上, 我知道你以前带过香农, 你得带一个女儿去看这些演出.

何塞: 天哪,他们会喜欢的.

蒂姆: 我们会坐下来对他们进行采访.

何塞: 哦,不,我不知道我们是否允许这样做.

蒂姆: 好了,姑娘们. 你们听到了吗?.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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