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2019年12月:fuboTV的Geir Magnusson谈论服务器端广告插入

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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到2019年东流媒体直播节目, 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体 magazine and the founding executive director of the not-for-profit, 帮助我! 流. 今天和我一起的是Geir Magnusson, fuboTV的首席技术官. 给我讲讲富波吧.

盖尔·Magnusson: 确定. 这真的是一种体育优先, cable replacement product for anybody that's looking to replace their legacy cable or satellite content provider. 我们通过所有连接的设备提供应用程序, 智能电视, 移动, 和网络, and have content packages that really include everything you're going to get over your current systems with, 另外,我们有很多非常棒的体育内容, 也.

蒂姆Siglin: So, it's interesting that you 说 that because one of the things that a number of my friends have asked me over the last couple of years is they've said, “我们知道你没有电视, 因为我大概剪了八根, 九年前." 和 they said, "We'd love to do it, but we really want to still watch live sports."

盖尔·Magnusson: 是的,这是一个大问题.

蒂姆Siglin: So, is that part of the answer that you provide into the industry of somebody who wants to cord-cut, 但他们仍然希望能够观看所有的体育内容?

盖尔·Magnusson: 完全, 我们已经见过很多次了, 担心我是否剪断了脐带, 我没有得到我想要的运动, 所以我们非常努力地开展各种各样的运动. 我们有当地的体育网络, 区域体育网络, 波士顿, 纽约, 所有主要市场, 我们携带特纳, 美国全国广播公司, 拜因体育. 富博上有大量的体育赛事.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. 这是唯一的卖点吗, 是体育, 或者你, 仅仅是一些运动项目还是有更大的发展空间?

盖尔·Magnusson: 这是一个更大的命题. 不存在仅仅是运动的狭隘捆绑. 体育是,这是一个替代整个家庭. Right, so there should be something in the package for everybody in the household. 然而, you do have the sports and we do lead a little bit with the sports because we have such a good sports package as part of it.

蒂姆Siglin: 嗯哼,好. 你今天在展会上要做什么小组讨论或演讲?

盖尔·Magnusson: 今天,我们将讨论服务器端广告插入.

蒂姆Siglin: Okay and so, for people who aren't familiar with that, so let's 说, sort of describe what that is.

盖尔·Magnusson: 因此,服务器端广告插入相当普遍. 这个想法是,当你在看一个频道时,在你的线性流上, 我们能够在流中有标记的广告中断中插入广告. It's exactly what would happen on your cable television when there's a local avail for your local provider. 当你在看电视的时候,你可能会在有线电视上看到一个当地的广告, 非常类似的技术,在流中有一个信号说, 广告在这里, 我们把广告放在那里, it streams as just a normal part of the content stream and then the content reverts back in once the ad is complete.

蒂姆Siglin: 和 from a technical standpoint is it's just another piece of 信息 in a manifest file, 它将单独的块段拉入, 还是, 因为我知道在服务器端的早期, 在真正的服务器端之前. 有一个想法是将广告直接拼接到内容中, so that you didn't have this sort of teardown setup when you went to a commercial.

盖尔·Magnusson: 这就是这里正在发生的事情. 舱单上有个标记写着, “好吧, 从接下来的部分开始, 这是一个, 说, 30秒广告时间, 所以排队等候30秒.“现在, there's still segments there which is the underlying stream that comes from the original broadcaster.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以你在清单上插入了

盖尔·Magnusson: We're actually replacing in the manifest segments with the video segment for the advertisements that's been chosen for that user. In the event there is no advertisement, it just reverts back to the original segment.

蒂姆Siglin: 有点像你在网上看早期的超级碗直播, 你一遍又一遍地看到同样的广告. 因为没有那种个性化的广告内容.

盖尔·Magnusson: 没错,正是.

蒂姆Siglin: 和 SSAI came about because of the fact that when there were sort of the traditional models under Flash Player where it would have different pieces of content, 你可以很容易地屏蔽这些内容.

盖尔·Magnusson: Yeah, you could certainly, if it's the client side has a problem where it can be blocked. 和, 我认为这是最大的问题, it's also the experience of the user to make it truly seamless because you don't want that interruption. 就像, 当你在看一个正常传输的流媒体, 从内容到广告再到广告,它是无缝的. 我们想要保持这种状态. 我的意思是, our value proposition is to be as good or better than current media offerings that consumers have, 我们不能更糟了.

蒂姆Siglin: 个性化是一种目标或趋势吗, or are we still sort of a ways off from having highly personalized commercial content for people watching?

盖尔·Magnusson: 哦,我们到了. 因为我们传输的每个流都是独立的,对吧? So, we can on a per-player basis choose the advertisement that goes in any given ad slot.

蒂姆Siglin: 这是基于特定的人口统计数据吗

盖尔·Magnusson: 它可以是各种各样的东西. 当然也可以是人口统计学. 当然你用的是什么设备. 有些人瞄准了联网设备,而不是移动设备. We can use it effectively for our own house ads because if we know that you're on a connected device and you don't have this package, 我们可以说, "嘿,你知道吗,我们刚刚, 说, 我们只是表演时间, 正确的.“所以,我们可以做这样的事情. So, it can be used that way or give the opportunity to the commercial advertiser to choose the segments with a very fine grain.

蒂姆Siglin: 太棒了,很酷,盖尔,非常感谢你的时间.

盖尔·Magnusson: 嘿,非常感谢.

蒂姆Siglin: 我们几分钟后马上回来.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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