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Video: How 编程 Ad Buying is Revolutionizing Pay TV

Learn more about dynamic ad insertion at 流媒体的下一个事件.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

沃伦是: What a cool time to be in television and to be able to take all the power of digital ad targeting, 正确的? 无论是心理上的, 地理, 行为, 你可以在数字上做任何事情, 你现在可以在这些OTT上做. 我是说,你可以在Sling上做. 我相信其他人很快就会到的. We are seeing incredible results, 正确的? And it's becoming this invaluable tool for marketers because now you're just getting rid of the waste. It's another form of waste that you're getting rid of. 你只能联系到你想要的人.

Now, we've been able to do that on online for years. There was the promise of that sort of targeting with online video, 但, 当然, there was a lot of fraud and viewability issues, and on and on to the point whereas much as 60, 70, 你的简历80%都是造假. CPMs adjusted sort of a crazy back and forth, no need for that here. You've got video ads that are in high production quality of video shows and it's being watched, 正确的? 尤其是在数字化家庭中.

So this ability to deliver live TV over the internet has created an immense opportunity. And I'm going to go a little bit further than that. So dynamic ad insertion allows this ability to sort of zing and shoot an arrow through an open bus window as it speeds 90 miles an hour down the highway. That ability has changed the process of buying and selling ads and it's also taking us out of the ratings business very slowly, 但 it's taking us out of the ratings business.

它允许什么?? 编程. 程序化广告购买. This is a one of those pieces where you say, “好吧, 机器与机器对话的地方," and that's probably a good thing because the number of variations on the impressions and the people that are watching and the households you want to hit and the advertisers motives, pretty soon you've got sort of 10 factorial and you're not going to be able to handle that sort of buy with people, 但是你可以用电脑来处理, 正确的?

You've got this ability to do programmatic buying on true television ad inventory. That has exploded the value and so if you look at this, if you go to the next slide, what happens? 好吧, 如果你看看一般的营销人员, television marketers have spent about $70 billion this year, 去年, 前一年, 自2014年以来. By the way, I used to do these numbers in 2007, 2008. They were 70 billion or 75 billion or thereabouts. The television ad industry has had a hard time even staying or staying even, 正确的? And then in the meantime, we all know what's happening with digital ad revenues, 正确的? 这样更简单. 目标就在那里,对吧? 大家可以看到效率, there's no secret anymore why digital is growing and TV's having a hard time just staying even. 只是踩水,对吧?

Television is a reach medium in the eyes of ad buyers, 但 with this new capability, 正确的? OTT和VOD提供的, you suddenly have this super-powered product that could take that $70 billion and start to grow it again. 它需要成长. 它应该会增长.

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