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Demanding Diversity: Why the Media Industry Needs it Now 更多的 Than Ever


作为一个亚裔美国人, I was deeply impacted by the increased crime against the Asian community at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This caused me to reevaluate much of my day to day—both personal and professional—from the books and toys I was giving my children to the media and content I was consuming. 最突出的是它们之间缺乏多样性. 

这并不奇怪. 在过去的两年里, 世界见证了反对社会不公的起义, 从“黑人的命也是命”运动到“停止仇恨亚洲”. These movements against social injustice have brought to the forefront of the conversation the lack of diversity that exists in the media. 事实上,根据a 最近的调查 我们的团队, 60% of consumers would feel more positive about a brand knowing they advertised in inclusive and diverse environments. 

这表明媒体行业明显需要多元化. 消费者已经成为 超意识到 of what values their favorite brands hold, and are much more socially conscious than ever before. 和, 像我这样的, 我们大多数人都在审视自己的内心, 是什么体现了当今消费者的需求, 需要和喜欢对齐. 

一项研究 Facebook的智商 found that 71% of consumers expect brands to promote diversity and inclusion in their online advertising, 然而, 54%的人认为在线广告中没有文化代表. So how can the media industry step up and support diverse communities in the right way, 不要看起来像个勾号框?


首先,在它的年度 多样性的报告加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的一项研究估计,美国大学毕业生中少数族裔所占的比例.S. 人口以每年近0.5%的速度增长. This shows the growing need for the media industry to prioritize diversity in their content. Without inclusivity, advertisers are missing the mark with a huge proportion of the population. Not only do brands and marketers risk alienating pools of potential audiences, but there is a larger role for our industry to play in the future of DE&I. 

媒体可以成为一种向善的力量, propelling the industry forward and showing younger generations that representation matters. 多样性可以带来新的故事, 让年轻一代将少数族裔创作者视为榜样, especially those that don’t see media professionals that look like themselves. Content is a powerful medium in helping brands reach and engage with consumers, with 超过10亿小时的content 每天都在YouTube上播放. The industry has a responsibility to ensure this is being done inclusively.  


Creating a safe space within the media industry for minority creators can lead to a better media landscape, 有不同的观点. In 2021, 电影投 that were of at least 21% minority representation had the highest online viewing ratings among all racial groups aged 18-49. This study shows that minority groups are putting diverse content first. 然而,同样的 报告 表明只有1.5 / 10的节目创作者和3.在有剧本的电视剧中,十分之一的男主角是有色人种. The demand for diverse media is present, but the industry is struggling to meet that demand. 

Partnering with diverse creators can push their ideas and stories to the forefront, 允许行业中更多样化的content和代表性. 例如, 万事达卡和通道工厂最近开展了一项活动, finding creators across the globe and working with them directly to create content around Mastercard's pillars. 该团队使用了包容性的包含列表, featuring diverse content creators for ads to be run alongside their content, 促进包容和积极, 减轻整个行业的偏见. 至关重要的是,我们不仅要对各种想法持开放态度, 但要根据他们的想法,把广告投入到不同的创作者身上, 视他们为代理专家. 


Consumers prefer to support brands that support causes they hold important to themselves. 在一个 调查 由通道工厂于今年早些时候进行, 69% of consumers would prefer to buy from brands committed to socially conscious causes such as donating to charities or taking a stand on climate change. It is important for brands to take a stance on social injustices and "hot topic" issues—from BLM to climate change—to appeal to their consumers. 

A balanced approach to inclusivity is crucial to the success of advertising campaigns in future. 期待, the media industry will need to create a new "norm" where diversity is key to connecting with all groups and where all people and stories are represented. 然而,这需要真实地完成. 为品牌营销人员和广告商寻求与行业发展, now is the time to re-evaluate core values and prioritize diversity in your creative, content, 针对, 总体战略.

[编者注:这是来自 通道工厂. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Evolution of Technology Partnerships in a Complex Streaming Landscape

随着流媒体的快速增长, Catherine Gonzalez Pack argues that media companies can no longer rely solely on traditional distribution models and need to explore new digital strategies to achieve reliable business growth in the long run.


A look at any conference program—including our own—makes it clear: It's long past time for the streaming media industry to take the gender imbalance seriously, 找出并解决根本问题,而不仅仅是表面现象.


Laugh Out Loud网络总裁 & COO Thai Randolph discusses the impact of the pandemic and the events of the last year on the OTT space, 包括一场大众媒体代表的革命, and an increased media savviness among viewers who are making their voices heard as never before, as well as the surprising rise of AVOD and FAST platforms and channels.

Nielsen Launches Gracenote Inclusion Analytics to Accelerate Diversity in Hollywood

New demographic insights across TV program talent and viewers will empower the entertainment industry to create more inclusive content


One highlight of the upcoming conference will be a Twitch vice president talking with an influential gamer about the current environment for women in gaming. 这里有一个预览.
