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ParaMax360 Debuts in Beta

A new player has entered the 360-degree video market this week. RemoteReality (www.remotereality.com) debuted a beta version of ParaMAx360, its 360-degree lens and software for interactive video this week at DEMO 2001 in Phoenix.

The system uses a standard digital video camera to produce a full 360-degree movie with a single shot with a lens attachment. Movies created with the system can be edited, streamed and played using industry standard software platforms, including Microsoft's Windows Media Player and RealNetwork's RealPlayer.

RemoteReality, based in Westborourgh Mass., sites several companies as beta testers for the ParaMax360 product including Bellamy Productions HomeBoxOffice, NBC/QuokkaSports, the Washington Post, and a film school at NYU.

"Bellamy Productions has the pleasure of holding partnerships with many innovative companies," said Russ Bellamy, CEO of Bellamy Productions in a statement. "Although there are benefits to each new technology we utilize, RemoteReality is the clear leader among the companies in its space, including iPIX and BeHere. RemoteReality has the highest quality, least expensive and most simple to use technology."

Scott Nurmi, director of business development and interactive product at RemoteReality, said the ParaMax360 is easier to use and will be priced lower than BeHere's solution. The company has not yet released pricing details. The ParaMax360 is scheduled to ship in late April of this year.

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