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New Broadband News Site

MSNBC.com launched a new destination geared towards broadband users. The new site, www.highspeed.msnbc.com, offers an enhanced user interface for video consumption.

The video clips are also available on the original MSNBC site, however the high speed site offers further integration of text and video which allows a user to browse through text news while watching video clips. Lessons learned during the convention and election coverage were utilized in the creation of this site said a spokesperson from MSNBC.

"With nearly a fourfold increase in streaming media served on MSNBC.com in the last year, it's clear that the Internet consumer is hungry for rich-media content. With the launch of HighSpeed.MSBNC.com, we're providing easier access to streaming and interactive media and meeting the growing demand for the next generation of Internet news," said Merrill Brown, editor-in-chief of MSNBC.com in a statement.

MSNBC.com produces an hourly "Video Headlines" exclusively for the Web as well as providing on-demand video segments daily from NBC News, MSNBC Cable, CNBC and NBC Sports.

The video clips can be accessed individually or in continuous play experience that will cycle through the entire sequence of daily news clips automatically. The video is produced for Windows Media Player and optimized at 100Kbps.

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