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MeTV Launches Services Division

MeTV Network (www.metv.com) announced that it is launching a Managed Services Division to begin selling content on-demand systems to other businesses. The packages will range in price from $30,000 to $150,000.

MeTV is not abandoning its original business plan to provide consumers with broadband delivered pay-per-view entertainment. The company began consumer testing its system in January. According to Martin French, MeTV's EVP Sales and Marketing, the company is going forward with its consumer launch as planned next week. The end user can watch the video on the PC in a full screen viewing environment by downloading software or by purchasing one of two hardware options to deliver the stream to the PC: one which transmits the signal from the PC to the TV; while the second requires a digital set top box.

French indicated that the company's decision to launch a services branch and to enable other business to purchase its technology came from being approached by several businesses. MeTV is in negotiations with its first clients for the Managed Service Division and plans to announce its first clients in the coming weeks. The initial focus is on distance learning partners Martin said.

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