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GetMusic on AOL

GetMusic (www.getmusic.com), announced a content agreement with AOL ( www.aol.com), to feature GetMusic.com on AOL's Music Channel's main page. The featured link brings the AOL user to a GetMusic.com page co-branded with AOL. The relationship also includes placement on Netscape and CompuServe.

GetMusic, jointly funded by BMG Entertainment and Universal Music Group, is a music media company, which creates online and offline music and lifestyle programming. The company's web site, GetMusic.com, is a self-described interactive music magazine focusing on original content, including an animated series co-produced with Mondo Media.

"There is no question that AOL is one of the best ways to reach today's online community. This relationship provides us with a tremendous opportunity to introduce our brand and content to millions of potential new customers,'' said Jay Dubiner, senior vice president of business development at GetMusic.

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