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DVEO: 2015 Online Video Industry Prediction

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In 2015, broadcasters and cable companies will shift more toward streaming, as many of their viewers already have. This does not mean the end for broadcasters. Instead, it is a significant opportunity. Being able to watch on computers, smart phones, tablets, etc., means viewers want to consume lots of video content. And broadcasters provide it…live news and events, recent TV shows, archives of viewer favorites, plus of course some advertising to generate revenue.

In previous years, economic pressures made it difficult for some broadcast studios and cable headends to invest in high quality streaming devices. Now, encoders, transcoders, and servers are more cost-efficient than ever before. They are faster, more compact, and serve more streams. They even consume less power.

Mobile devices also continue to improve. The new larger cell phones, which are really mobile computers, are very well suited to streaming. The screens are bigger and sharper, with faster processing speeds. Watch for these phones to become very popular in the coming year … and watch for viewership of streaming video to rise considerably.

In fact, broadcasters and cable companies that don’t expand their streaming video delivery will pay the “opportunity cost” of losing viewers to more forward-thinking competitors.

At DVEO, we’ve experienced rapidly increasing demand for our products that encode video to HLS and send multiple simultaneous streams to smart phones, tablets, set-top boxes, CDNs, etc. We also provide transcoders, media distribution servers, and ad inserters. We work with every customer and pay attention to their unique needs.

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