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Almost Live from NAB: 全球通信 Reaches Out Over Any Connection


[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at NAB 2015.]

公司需要的是无论在什么条件下都能正常工作的视频解决方案. 在逮捕, 全球通信 我是在谈论它的Tempo平台,它功能强大,功能多样.

“Tempo是我们的媒体平台,基本上可以通过任何网络向任何用户分发视频,詹姆斯·布朗说, manager of solutions engineering for Tempo at 全球通信. "We could go across traditional satellite networks, we could go across fixed networks that are internet based, or we could go across fiber networks. 这个平台让我们能够接触到每一个用户,因为它的浏览器是基于桌面的, 笔记本电脑, 手机, 和平板电脑. 所以它可以在任何地方,任何时间,跨越任何网络,它是无处不在的分发平台."

Not only can 全球通信 send video over any type of network, but users can access that video on any type of device.

"Engagement in a media platform, 对我们来说, means that we have to reach out over a distance, and to reach out and touch over a distance we provide interactivity,布朗解释道. "With our platform being browser-based, 我们能够接触到用户,无论他们的接触点连接在网络上, 有了桌面, 在星巴克用笔记本电脑, or mobile device—tablet or mobile device phone. So that mobility is apart of it. 这种参与是因为你与网络相连我们知道你是谁,你在哪里."

Once 全球通信 is connected to a user, it can provide interactive elements, 比如民意调查, 文字聊天, 还有语音聊天.

更多地了解全球通信提供什么,以及它如何推动观众参与, watch the full interview below.


埃里克·舒马赫:  I'm  Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, editor of 流媒体杂志 and I'm here at NAB 2015, James Brown是全球通信公司Tempo产品的解决方案工程经理. 这可能是我们的读者不熟悉的产品我们想让他们更熟悉它. 跟我们说说Tempo吧.

詹姆斯·布朗:         Tempo是我们的媒体平台,基本上可以通过任何网络向任何用户分发视频. Meaning that we could go across traditional satellite networks, 我们可以通过以互联网为基础的固定网络,也可以通过光纤网络. 这个平台让我们能够接触到每一个用户,因为它是基于浏览器的. On desktops, 笔记本电脑, 手机 和平板电脑. 所以它可以在任何地方,任何时间,跨越任何网络,它是无处不在的分发平台.

埃里克·舒马赫:  除了向所有这些平台或设备分发之外. Obviously you have to work very hard on the U.I. on those devices to make it usable and make the whole product easy to use. 你能告诉我们你是如何鼓励Tempo产品易于使用的吗?

詹姆斯·布朗:         Well for ease-of-use it really falls into three categories, 它们都与用户体验和用户界面相关. First and foremost you want to go into the design to avoid confusion. 令人困惑的U.I. 把你的用户推开. A second thing that we've adopted is that, 你必须站在祖母的角度来看待这个问题,如果你的祖母要用这个,在21世纪,现在是技术奶奶,对吧?

埃里克·舒马赫:  嗯哼.

詹姆斯·布朗:         科技奶奶有iPad, iPod,你知道的,这是新的和改进的技术,对吧?

埃里克·舒马赫:  嗯哼.

詹姆斯·布朗:         You know grandma's skyping 正确的?

埃里克·舒马赫:  嗯哼.

詹姆斯·布朗:         So if you do that and you get that 正确的, 然后你就克服了复杂性中的一个主要障碍,这样你就不会添加超出人们想要使用的复杂性. 第三件事是,你真的需要注意这样一个事实,即人们会选择他们所知道的. Meaning that 你可以't re-train intuition. 因此,人们已经接受了敲击、滑动和拉入现有设备的训练. So in our platform in our services, 我们使用那些本地水龙头, 拉, 和手势来实现产品,这让易用性变得更容易.

埃里克·舒马赫:  好吧 so in addition to a user interface that intuitive for people, what are you doing to drive user engagement?

詹姆斯·布朗:         Well engagement in a media platform 对我们来说, means that we have to reach out over a distance, and to reach out and touch over a distance we provide interactivity. With our platform being browser-based, 我们能够接触到用户,无论他们的接触点连接在网络上, that on the land 有了桌面, 在星巴克用笔记本电脑, or mobile device tablet or mobile device phone. So that mobility is apart of it. 这种参与是因为你与网络相连我们知道你是谁,你在哪里. 您已通过交互和网络连接获得授权和认证, 我们有能力, in live streams offer you not just live but on-demand, so 你可以 select things from a user guide, 正确的? 这样我们就可以推动民意调查,这样我们就可以给你发问题,这样我们就知道你的听力和事情做得很好. We, since your connected you get to have analytics back from the field, and then we have the ability to provide interactive 文字聊天, 我们可以提供交互式语音聊天,这些都是其中的关键功能.

            For large audiences for our enterprise platform 你可以 do two things. 你可以私下聊天, 文本和语音都是最后的学习代理这样人们就会回答你的问题. So when someone says we just had this question come in, could the presenter answer this question 正确的? 现在有了语音聊天我们能做的是我们还能让它全球化语音聊天可以推送给观众每个人都能听到用户的声音这很重要.

埃里克·舒马赫:  是的.

詹姆斯·布朗:         现在有一个产品,我们正在做的互动我们的fieldaster产品, 哪个远程贡献产品在后端有云设施来推送实时流. 你可以看直播, 你可以, it's always recorded so that becomes instantaneous video on demand. But the feature that we're seeing now its, most interactive that for performance improvement 你可以 take a stream, 剪辑流的一部分, 制作一个播放列表,然后通过电子邮件或社交网络将其发送给一群人. 我们发现, that clip feature is really powerful from performance enhancement, 进行维护, 诸如此类的事情. 如果你看视频, 这是服务器, here's how to configure the server, 这是服务器的片段. Oh here's the network configuration for that server, here's that clip and then you send that clip out, that's instantaneous performance improvement.

埃里克·舒马赫:  很酷,很酷. Now what about in your service model, how are you integrated in the cloud?

詹姆斯·布朗:         Well in the cloud we have a very powerful cloud based media platform. And that allows us to do several things. We do all the services the past, the I.S. 平台是一种服务,软件是一种服务,基础设施也是一种服务. That is coupled with our traditional, on-premises physical hardware. 但我们发现,并不是每个人都这么快就跃入云端, 但他们想要的是将这些服务与他们想要的内部服务结合起来.

            出于安全原因或其他原因,他们必须在他们的数据中心拥有物理机器,因此凭借我们的专业知识,我们能够混合这些安装并使其成为可能. 的东西, 关于云的另一件事是,有了fieldaster产品,它就存在了, remote contribution to a cloud server, that cloud makes it so that we can, 在后端, 将其分发给企业用户,并像云一样扩大规模, 根据需要.

埃里克·舒马赫:  好吧, now thinking bigger picture as streaming media evolves, where is 全球通信 putting its emphasis?

詹姆斯·布朗:         好吧 for what were doing with our powerful cloud based platform, 我们要找一个, serve the future with features on that platform. 但我们看到的是,我们看到了一种趋势,这种趋势在某种程度上偏离了企业沟通和培训, towards applications specific and application specific user cases. 这些特殊的用户案例对保险调整等领域很敏感, 矿业维护, aircraft maintenance and first responders. What we're finding is that in the insurance adjustments areas, 是否有人必须爬上屋顶,用梯子冒着危险,而这个人不会冒险,因为我们可以通过现场转播系统找到远程视频服务, 把它挂在无人机上, puts a drone at risk not a person. 因此,为了降低风险和问责制,以及一个捕获的视频,每个捕获的视频我们都可以搜索, 这种高度的搜索能力使其发生得更快,因此它是可重用的. So now with these features coming on board for these use cases, 你一个, your proving in the platform with a hard R.O.I because there's money your saving from, insurance that your having to pay for risk assessment, 正确的? 所以硬R.O.I makes it so that your proving in the platform, 但不仅要证明你的平台,还要证明你的合作伙伴会帮助你在未来取得成功. 这就是全球通信.

埃里克·舒马赫:  非常酷,非常酷的东西,我和环球网的詹姆斯·布朗聊过. I'm Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen and coming to you from NAB 2015.


This article is Sponsored Content

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