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Stream Stitching: Why the Buzz, Where It’s Working, and What Happens Next

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Stream stitching and server-side ad insertion are picking up steam as approaches that let content owners beat ad blockers on the desktop and provide better ad delivery on the mobile web-among other benefits. However, the technology is still early in its adoption curve, with a lot of innovation in the works to drive its deployment across more devices and use cases. This session reviews the data to see where server-side ad insertion and stitching have been helpful to publishers and broadcasters and explore how it is evolving to support analytics, interactivity, programmatic and other components of online video advertising.

Moderator: Mike Green, VP, Marketing & Business Development - Brightcove
Sean Doherty, CEO - Wurl
Matt Smith, Chief Evangelist - Anvato
Jarred Wilichinsky, VP, Ad Operations - CBSi
Allen Dove, CTO - SpotX


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