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向导也有一个方便的清单, which notes that it is sensitive to file names ("PowerPoint presentation should not contain any spaces, special characters or begin with numbers and should be lower case") and reminds users to download the PowerPoint slide trigger plug-in so they can create a text file with timing 信息 to upload to the site.

到目前为止, 我在某种程度上忽略了系统需求, 这指出, 有点神秘, that the system’s browser requirements were "Internet Explorer 5 or greater for PC or Firefox version 8 or above for Apple Mac or PC." Firefox on both the Mac and PC is only at version 3, and I had been using Safari on a Mac with no problems up to this point. But when I tried to upload my content, I hit a brick wall. A screen popped up stating that my username and password were incorrect. 我切换到按需向导, but I experienced the same error when I again tried to upload the content. 我也很难在Safari中播放. My advice is to stick with Firefox version 3 if you are using a Mac and wish to use either the dashboard or play back content created by Datpresenter.

有一次我在Firefox中打开了这个程序, 我可以继续了, choosing a name for the presentation (and adding additional metadata if I wanted to) and then easily uploading a speaker image, PDF, 和PPT. Each of these additions must be uploaded individually, even though they are all available on the same upload screen, so it may take quite a bit of time if you have a large PDF or PPT. We didn’t test whether there was a timeout that would occur if someone remained on this screen too long, but that is a possibility when uploading multiple large files. 希望, 未来的版本将允许使用类似gmail的方法, where all files can be chosen and uploaded in the background while other files are chosen and then uploaded in bulk.

This page for content upload in the on-demand wizard is also the only location where the PowerPoint timing text file can be uploaded, so it’s best to complete the timing prior to beginning the wizard, especially since one warning notes that "there is no option to go back to previous steps of the wizard; if you make a mistake or need to upload a different document then you will have to start again from the beginning.“在高级管理中有一个选择, but it’s a bit easier to have everything in place prior to beginning the wizard.

这些上传完成后, the third step in the wizard is to name the stream and the company and then choose whether the live stream will be shown using 真正的Media, Windows媒体, 或两个. This part is particularly clever when it comes to automating details that the average user would be daunted by, as it provides a prepopulated username/password and mount point, combines it with the user’s entry for the stream name and the company name, and then creates a WME file for Windows媒体 or a RPJF 真正的 Project file for 真正的. I recommend you heed the suggestion regarding stream names. 它们应该由事件名称组成, 演讲者的名字, 日期(DDMMYY), 按照这个顺序, and contain spaces or extension names (the wizard provides the .rm或 .WMV扩展作为项目文件的一部分).

The final step in the wizard is to download the project files (WME, RPJF, (或两者都有)以便在编码系统上使用. Note that Datpresenter doesn’t host the live streaming file. It only hosts the overlay, PowerPoint, and PDF documents. This answers a frequently asked question regarding a large number of viewers trying to simultaneously watch a live stream.

"The number of people able to view a live event is controlled by the bandwidth allocation of the video server, set by the internet service provider who provides your streaming service,据Datmedia报道. "In some instances it may be necessary to reconfigure the video streaming network for very large audiences."

项目文件下载后, they can be loaded onto the appropriate local live encoder being used to encode the live video stream for the presentation. A note on the projects file page also gives good advice to those doing the encoding, pointing out that the wizard cannot predict the camera type being used or "whether you would like to archive your media on your computer’s local hard drive." The live wizard checklist also has one final reminder for enterprise users of Datpresenter: Remember to open your firewall ports to allow live streaming media, a suggestion that sounds like it comes from tech support experience.

对于按需向导, the only difference is that Datpresenter has the ability to upload video files in four flavors: Windows媒体, 真正的媒体, 闪光, 和QuickTime, 以及3GPP内容, 哪些可以通过QuickTime回放, 真正的, 或闪光服务器, 取决于包装器. Files are uploaded one at a time instead of as a bundle, so be prepared to spend a bit of time.

一旦内容上传,向导就完成了, 你会得到一个神秘的回复,上面写着, “资产‘1945’已经被创造出来了.“显然, this has something to do with the number of the asset in Datpresenter’s content management system. Three options are presented: Launch in Administrator, Create Another Programme, or Launch Slide Push.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题