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70% of marketing professionals report video converts better than any other medium. 使用在线视频的公司数量激增, 最近的一份报告分享了一些令人信服的统计数据 prove the ROI for video.

公司正在以各种方式使用视频. 这些视频包括营销、培训和品牌新闻. Video has shown to be effective at capturing an audience, and the numbers prove it.

第一波在线公司视频充满了实验. Platforms came and went, formats changed, and long- and short-form content took on new definitions.

Our agency has seen a lot of different video formats over the last decade thanks to our involvement in the video production world. 与不同行业的不同公司合作, 我们吸取了宝贵的教训, and one thing has stayed constant: No matter the platform or the audience, 参与是任何成功视频活动的核心.

尝试视频可能会很昂贵, and with that in mind I want to share some of our tips on what it takes to make an engaging video for your company.

Step 1. 让你的品牌充满激情

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is forgetting about the simple things in their videos. Frequently, employees get stuck in the day-to-day and overlook the stunning visual content or the fantastic stories they have access to in their organization.

I’ve discovered this numerous times when having an opening discovery session with a brand. Representatives from a company are usually thinking about marketing the newest product or putting out their best public relations message. 这些都是很有价值的话题, but one thing I always ask for is a tour of the company to see things for myself.

These tours have led to a ton of eye-opening ideas that have turned into engaging online videos. The operation floors and inner workings of a company are fascinating places that a lot of us do not get to see. Audiences enjoy a behind-the-scenes experience, and every company can provide that with video.

虽然有些员工可能认为他们的过程并不令人兴奋, 许多公司的目标受众会对这些东西感到好奇. 公司需要小心,不要泄露不当信息, but patented systems and processes are great ways to show the innovation of your brand.

下面是西南航空公司的一个例子 引人入胜的幕后视频 that focuses on the personal experience a passenger gets when flying with Southwest.

Discovering a passionate employee who can speak to the importance of their job and the company is like finding a hidden gem. 他们的情感和表达方式经常在镜头上表现出来, 并帮助你的目标受众与你的品牌建立联系. 这一切都是关于创建一个链接到你的目标受众, and sharing these stories is a powerful way to grab and hold those viewers.

Here is an example from Duncan Family Farms 这显示了为公司视频寻找有激情的员工的价值.

Working with an experienced video production agency or marketing company can be pricey, 但他们通常会提供与内部团队不同的视角. 如果没有雇佣专业人员的预算, use surveys to gather information from both your audience and your employees about what topics could be in your videos. This research can provide a wealth of knowledge and a fresh angle for your video strategy.

Step 2. 知道你的视频放在哪里

The second step to creating an engaging online video experience is knowing where your video is going to live. This information is something the video team should know before the video is recorded.

平台来了又去, but a few channels have captured a majority of the online video audience. 从社交媒体渠道开始, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn have all grown their video offerings and have a substantial market share when it comes to overall users.

All of these channels offer numerous ways for adding interactivity within your video player. These features are useful for leading viewers to other relevant materials such as website landing pages, products, other video content, and newsletter signups. Many of these can be clickable calls-to-action and provide reliable lead generation tools for a company.

这些功能可以将客户接触点扩展到单个视频之外. If your company is going to use these features with the channels mentioned, 知道目标平台是很重要的. 当叠加在视频上时,这些功能可能会占用空间, so the video team should keep this in mind with composition and the overall video style, 正如宝马团队在视频中所做的那样. Some testing may need to be performed to see what works and, more importantly, what does not.

The same approach applies when a video is going to live on a company website. 品牌应该提前知道视频将如何在页面上显示. 是否有空间在视频播放器周围添加任何相关材料? Publishers need to ask themselves what will happen when the video is over, where can the viewer go? 有提问或留言的选项吗?

与观众创造一种双向体验. 你的视频主题会引发对话吗? 如果是,请在你的视频中征求观众的意见和问题. Make sure the tools are there to make it a fluid process so that your audience can have a great experience when viewing videos on a company site.

Step 3. Embrace the Tech

I mentioned the importance of creating a two-way experience in the last step. 如今的科技使这个想法更进一步. 例如,许多公司已经转向直播.

Maybe you’re launching a marketing video for a new product or service your company has created. Why not accompany that video with a live stream where your audience can have a Q&A session with you?

是的,这样做可能有风险,但反馈可能是积极和有见地的. 公司可以设置控制措施来监控和屏蔽喷子. 整个体验对公司和用户都是有价值的, 并与观众产生一定程度的互动.

另一个不断发展的技术趋势是360°视频. This 沉浸式观看体验 让你的观众坐在导演的椅子上. 观众可以通过使用视频播放器中的控件来选择他们所看到的内容. 这是一种展示产品的有趣方式, demonstrate a process, 让人们参加贸易展览或活动.

The price of creating a 360° viewing experience has gone down drastically over the years and is now attainable for even small businesses. 它所需要的只是一点创造力和一些计划 an engaging experience 比如这个谷歌数据中心之旅.

Take these tips and think about how you can include them in your company's video strategy. 随着越来越多的视频被上传, publishers need to create engagement in their videos to hold and reach an audience.

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