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How Time, Inc. 使用数据提供更好的内容,更高的投资回报率

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2016年第三季度,我们所有平台的视频数据在一个季度内首次超过10亿。, up approximately 200 percent from last year. 我们的数字视频独立访客同比增长38%, 与去年相比,我们的社交足迹扩大了45%.


Short-form在网络和社交网站上表现很好. 较短的形式,比如45秒,在Facebook上表现很好. Before the medium was 2 minutes; now I think we have a lot more in terms of range. We have longer-form video, 这是一个完整的烹饪节目,有10分钟的评论,然后在播出后播放视频点播. ... 我们还推出了《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的OTT网络, which is a foray into true long-form content, and these are 30-minute shows on OTT platforms. ... 我们正看着自己的品牌在真正的长篇电视节目中焕发生机.


在The Foundry,这是我们的原生工作室,我们从社交倾听开始. 我们拥有自己的专有数据,这些数据来自每月访问我们网站的1.5亿人. 我们抓取整个互联网、Twitter、社交领域、标签等的关键词和趋势., to see what people are talking about. 这和我们的编辑在思考他们要写什么故事时使用的方法是一样的, what angle they’re going after. That is how The Foundry starts its work product, 它完全是由数据驱动的,甚至在你有创意的想法产生之前.


我认为我们将看到许多人通过捆绑销售直接面向消费者. 我认为SVOD领域将会有很多活动, 这很有趣,因为很多公司以前从未直接面向消费者.

我认为Facebook将继续大力发展视频业务. They are pretty open about that, 我可以想象Facebook会成为一种非常前卫的体验,或者创造另一种视频前卫的体验. 我想说的是,我们正在密切关注这一点,预计会出现重大举措.

From Time, Inc.在接下来的几年里,你应该期待我们成为一个积极的攻击者和视频的进入者. 即将发生在电视和视频上的颠覆程度是如此之大,对我们这样的人来说,这是一个巨大的机会, 你应该期待看到更多来自我们的进攻空间.

Sidebar: Interview with Jon Schulz, CMO of Viant

乔恩•舒尔茨是Viant的首席营销官,该公司已被时代公司收购. in March 2016.

Q: What is the Viant advertising cloud?

Viant has three components. Identity management platform, our data component. 我们的媒体执行,也就是服务和投放广告. Then our data and analytics, which is the measurement aspect; that’s how we service our clients and brand marketers.

Q: Cookie versus identity data?

从数据的角度来看,我们的广告商依靠数据 ... to determine how effective that advertising is. ... 你投放了一个广告,她是否采取了行动,她是否走进商店购买了? Did she go online and purchase? We refer to it as closed loop measurement.

广告的目的是推动一些行动, 当用户很大程度上是匿名的(基于cookie测量)或者你不知道用户是谁的时候,你就有能力去测量它, you’re kind of guessing and hoping. In a deterministic, people-based (data-driven) world, there is a lot more certainty to know outcome, to know cause and effect.

Q: Where is all this data coming from?

There are tremendous sources of data. 有Rentrak(有线机顶盒)和电视数据,还有直接来自电视本身的ACR数据. 因为OTT,我们觉得ACR非常强大. 有线电视盒无法捕获通过IP传输的内容. When it comes to data, your job is never done; there’s always new and better sources out there. ...There’s tons and tons of data; it’s really how you’re able to harness that data. 你如何能够将这些数据与特定用户联系起来,并从目标定位的角度来真正理解正确的受众, but also outcomes. What did the consumer ultimately do? Did they buy your product or service?

[本文发表于2017年1月/ 2月号。 Streaming Media Magazine as "Time, Inc. Is All About the Data."]

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