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Today’s consumers—especially Millennials—value an experience far more than anything else in their lives, 这在很大程度上推动了“体验经济”.这适用于所有的现场活动, 比如运动, 的电子竞技, 音乐会, 还有音乐节. 如果他们不能在那里享受这些经历, 他们想要通过合作来享受, 参与广播.

These lean-in live events present great monetization opportunities for well-matched 品牌s, 但实现这些目标是有代价的. 在Bulldog DM, our primary focus is delivering 品牌-presented live streams in the premium video content marketplace, 遵循我们多年来开发的最佳实践标准.

我们和像AT这样的公司合作&T, 三星, 网飞公司, 吉普车, 日产, 索尼, 美国橄榄球联盟, 雀巢, 士力架, 可口可乐, and Facebook to help them optimize their content and deliver value on events that carry their 品牌. We’ve looked closely at the challenges 品牌s are facing today and discovered they’re quite substantial. Branded, high-engagement live broadcasts present unique vehicles for meeting those challenges.


今天的品牌有三个主要的痛点. 一个是掐线. 他们试图触及的受众并没有在看 法律 & 订单 每周四晚上在全国广播公司(NBC)的电视节目上看完州立农场的广告. eMarketer预测,今年美国将有3300万用户.S. 到2018年底,成年人将剪断脐带,预计为32人.增加8%. The 品牌 target viewer is either attending live events or looking for collaborative, 参与 experiences that approximate or in some ways surpass the in-person experience.

当品牌试图将他们的信息传递给智能手机时, 它们受到AD阻滞剂的阻碍, 第二个痛点是什么. 现在有超过6.15亿的设备安装了广告拦截软件, 传统的广告目录——横幅广告, 展示广告——无法通过.

更多的 recently, we’ve seen 品牌s challenged by the third pain point, 品牌 safety. 任何时候你在一个平台上做广告, 你要冒着把你的信息定位在可疑旁边的风险, 邪恶的, 或危险内容. 近日,在&出于对品牌安全的考虑,T和迪士尼停止了在YouTube上投放广告, and other 品牌s that have cut back advertising in the past because of the same concerns include Verizon, P&G、摩根大通和约翰逊 & 约翰逊.


We’ve talked to 品牌s that believe that 品牌ed content presented live is the solution to all three of those problems. When we work with 品牌s to explore the possibilities of 品牌ed live experiences, we start to transition from a sponsorship conversation to a media conversation.

我们向品牌方解释,这些参与性活动, 做得正确, provide watch time that’s pretty much unachievable in any other form of advertising. 与传统的30秒投资相比, 点播电视广告, 品牌ed live experiences require a fraction of the spend with a much higher return, 尤其是在参与时间方面.

直播视频为品牌提供了与消费者深度接触的时间. Facebook’s launch and prioritization of live streaming with Facebook Live has allowed it to drive even stronger engagement: Facebook reports that users are watching live video three times longer than non-live and that live is garnering six times the level of interaction.

就这类机会进行对话, in which we focus on a media strategy rather than a traditional sponsorship approach, 改变谈话内容.

优质的现场体验,比如音乐节, 音乐会, or product launches make for compelling viewing when amplified to consumers on their connected devices. Brands need to enhance the live-streaming experience for viewers and engage them and not offer just a surveillance video experience.

举办音乐节, 例如, giving the viewer the ability to switch from one stage to another is very compelling. It’s the difference between a passive broadcast offering and an off-site experience that feels much more like being there.

我们有可口可乐、士力架和AT等品牌&我把他们的经历放在不同的地方. They’ve also come back to a compelling hub that could have an additional camera feed or an exclusive conversation with one of the performers (图1). 这种方法对我们的品牌很有效.

图1. 可口可乐品牌的拉丁美洲节日, 在直播中有多个阶段供观众选择


社交平台是优化、品牌化直播体验的重要组成部分. 参与这些体验的观众想要交谈, 帖子, 分享, 评论, 并在推特上发布他们正在看的节目. 你必须给他们这种能力图2).

图2. 评论饲料吉普品牌的洛杉矶车展流

We’ve also found that those conversations can easily go off-topic or become offensive. 当你在社交平台上进行品牌直播活动时, 探索保持对话与视频相关的方法是很重要的.

这对品牌来说非常重要. 你不希望人们说:“美国运通糟透了. 我喜欢万事达卡,” in an Amex-品牌ed experience or having other kinds of off-topic conversations not related to the music or whatever live content you’re delivering.

We address this issue with an automated toolset that enables us to filter out naughty words. The 品牌s we work with that offer the experience on their own sites can program the toolset to drive the conversation by adding cues and calls to action.

除了电子竞技, 我们发现,如果谈话变成疯狂的超滚动, 观众对社交元素失去了兴趣. 他们开始抽离. If the conversation stays relevant to the video, viewers will be far more engaged.

A focused live discussion also provides a readable context that becomes a collaborative, 参与, Lean-in体验,让观众更愿意分享. 他们会说,“嘿,我在看肯德里克·拉马尔的精彩表演. 来和我一起体验一下吧.”

在YouTube上做了数百个节目, we’ve seen that what viewers want most of all is to participate in a lively dialogue about what they’re watching. Ensuring that you provide that will create a more rewarding experience for the performer, 艺术家, 品牌, 和观众.

With social streams added to live video, we get a much larger viewership and far more watch time. 这就是我们开始看到成功的地方,我们称之为“规模”,,尤其是麦迪逊大道资助的现场体验.

Instagram现在是最热门的平台. 对于Instagram上的直播,你只能用相机观看. We’ve developed a capability to livestream a fully produced broadcast feed on Instagram. This is of major interest to 品牌s—especially any 品牌 with a music strategy. Of Instagram’s 1 billion users, nearly 50% follow 10 or more certified music 艺术家s’ accounts. 这为艺术家和品牌提供了一个重要的合作机会. 在今年的NBA全明星赛上,我们帮助了At&T livestream the official pregame concert with Janelle Monae that was available on YouTube, 推特, 而在&T的Instagram账号.


我在音乐节上做了很多工作, 比如Bonnaroo和Lollapalooza, 无论是我之前在AEG的工作,还是最近在牛头犬DM的工作. 在Bulldog DM, we’ve modeled a festival strategy around three phases to optimize the experiences for our viewers and our 品牌s, 同时专注于提供高质量的内容.

Phase One is “Live Live”: the bands performing in real time throughout the day.

当头条新闻结束时, Phase Two begins: replaying that day one or two times into the following day when we’re back “on the air” at 4 p.m. 或者5p.m.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


每个季度,流媒体视频娱乐越来越受欢迎, 但直播频道会是其中的一部分吗? 高级分析师克雷格•莫菲特(Craig Moffett)表示:“Live已经死了。.


直播视频没有回旋余地,所以保证质量至关重要. Qosifire offers an affordable and customizable way to monitor and debug live streams.


Making it easier for 品牌s to connect with followers using the Stories format, 特拉维夫的一分钟.Ly今天推出了一个自动化解决方案.


视频在接触消费者方面从未像现在这样重要, 而且生产周期从未如此紧凑. Here are four truths to help 品牌s survive and thrive in this new way of working.

VuePlanner Delivers Context and Brand Suitability for Pre-Buying YouTube 视频广告 Campaigns
