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第三部分是Status部分, which provides status 信息 regarding AddOns, CPU, 内存, Wowza的Java堆大小, as well as total 内存 and disk capabilities on the server itself. A separate graph shows the number of simultaneous connections on a rolling time window.

9:06 AM:我们的第一个测试时间到了. 在过去, 和上周一样, the first thing you’d need to do before you launched a test was launch Wowza Media Server.

To do this, you had dig down to the Application folder and find the Wowza启动 link. 但, 在启动服务器之前, 您需要使用wowzameaserver别名, 然后链接到实际服务器的文件夹, and add in a number of hand-coded lines of code to launch services.

今天,你不需要这样做. All you do is scroll to the lower part of the Manager dashboard and choose Test Players from the Test Video section. We’ll cover that more in a moment, but first let’s step back a bit.

What if you chose not to have Wowza Streaming Engine Manager startup after completing Wowza Config? If so, go to the Applications folder (on a Mac, or Program Files on a Windows machine). 找到标签为Wowza Streaming Engine 4的文件夹.0.0并双击它.

What you see -- or don’t see, as the case may be -- may surprise you. This folder contains fewer files than the one noted above for older versions of Wowza Media Server. 在以前的版本中, you were presented with options like JConsole Startup, Wowza关闭, Wowza启动, 快速入门.HTML、Read Me和两份法律文件. 在Wowza流媒体引擎中.0文件夹, users are presented with the only two choices that matter: a Read Me file and the Wowza Streaming Engine Manager application, 再加上一些文件夹别名.

Only one of the two files clearly looks like an application icon, which means that first-time users intuitively know what to click. 启动Wowza流媒体引擎管理器.url, and your browser of choice will pop up with a welcome screen, as we’ve noted above. 就是这么简单.

Wowza说它支持所有现代浏览器, 这意味着管理器可以在Chrome中运行, 火狐, 使用最新版本的ie浏览器, 和Safari. Wowza推荐使用Chrome浏览器, 原因如下, but we ran tests in Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1和Safari在OS X Mavericks上也是如此.

在Mac上, both Chrome 和Safari took quite a bit of time (almost ten seconds) to bring up the dashboard after the log-in screen, 而是在Windows 8上使用ie浏览器.我快多了.

不管你选择哪个, when it’s time to launch your first streaming test, you’ll be pleasantly surprised: Wowza Streaming Engine Manager contains test players for a variety of media.

默认情况下, 至少在ie浏览器上是这样, 第一个测试播放器是RTMP, the Adobe protocol somewhat akin to the industry-standard RTSP.

Not every test player is supported on every browser. 我们遇到了一个问题, 例如, was attempting to play content in the test player using Apple’s HTTP 在线直播 (HLS). As you can see in the picture, HLS is not supported by default on Internet Explorer.

We also ran into trouble playing MPEG-DASH content, although there was a warning that we might “experience inconsistent playback using this third-party beta DASH test player.” In addition, Microsoft Smooth Streaming required a download of Silverlight on the Windows 8.1台机器.

The three Test Player options that seemed to work flawlessly on Windows 8.1 were RTMP, Adobe’s HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS), and the Mobile settings.

Mobile settings are cleverly split into two URLs, one for iOS devices and one for Android devices. When we entered the iOS URL into an iPod Touch on the same network, the stream started right up.

结论. We put Wowza Streaming Engine through its paces on two test machines, 在两个移动设备上查看内容. We ran into several glitches with the pre-release bits that Wowza provided, and we will watch to see how those are corrected in the final release. Wowza has begun down the path towards a proper GUI and visual dashboard in a way that should make both power users and first-time streaming producers happy with the balance of power and ease-of-use.

We will follow up with additional details in the next few weeks as Wowza ships the final version of Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Two-Thirds of Universities Say 在线直播 a Top Priority

A majority of colleges and universities live stream audio or video on a daily or weekly basis, 而四分之一的人每天都这样做.

Wowza Survey: Viewers Expect High-Quality Video on Any Device

A small survey shows large expectations for multiplatform video, 视频是否在家里被观看, 在移动设备上, 或者在工作场所.

Goodbye Wowza Media Server, Hello Wowza Streaming Engine

The latest version of Wowza Media Server includes a name change and a graphical user interface to make the product easier.


Acquisition complements Wowza's commitment to cloud-based services, which was amplified at IBC by a tighter integration between Wowza Media Server and Amazon CloudFront.

Wowza Media持续成长

接近1,500年被许可人, the Wowza Media Server has become a bona fide competitor to Flash Media Server by offering solid performance at a reduced price.
外胎., 7月10日,埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森
