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Game On: Television Is Going Through Revolutionary Changes


When we were brainstorming themes for this year’s 原始资料 cover, 我们最初的想法是“游戏结束”,” to signify OTT’s victory over traditional TV. But as one game ends, another begins, with new players and new rules.

现在的电视节目比以往任何时候都多, and a healthy percentage of it is being produced by television networks such as FX (《百家乐软件app最新版下载》《百家乐app下载》)、amc (《百家乐软件》《风骚律师),甚至还有三大电视台(ABC电视台) 中间美国全国广播公司(NBC)的 盲点,以及CBS的 超级女孩). 这些都是U.S.-based shows; add in U.K.英国制作的节目,比如第四频道的节目 灾难 和bbc1台的 , not to mention Scandinavian products such as the Swedish/Danish collaboration Bron/Broen (The Bridge), and it’s clear that we’re living through another golden age of television.

But if any doubt lingered in 2015 about the staying power of OTT and online video, 2016年应该会抹去它. Television isn’t going anywhere; it’s just completing the change from a linear programming model to a multidimensional one.

最近, my 6-year-old son Isaac was playing “Super Mario 3D World” on the Wii U with my 31-year-old brother-in-law Nick, who played the original “Super Mario Bros.在20年前的任天堂主机上. As Nick gave Isaac a master class in video gaming, he commented that while the new version adds a dimension to how the characters can move, it’s more forgiving; if you miss a move or fall off a cliff, you’re a lot more likely to get another chance than you were in the original.

Just as in “Super Mario 3D World,” today’s television landscape offers more options than ever before. When you take the great shows that the networks are producing, add to them the original content that Netflix, Hulu, 亚马逊视频, 和其他OTT服务正在创建, and then consider the number of live events—from big games to the minor leagues, and from major awards shows to concerts by relatively obscure bands—the choices facing consumers are mind-boggling, 几乎paralysis-inducing.

But it’s also easier than ever to see what you want, when you want, on the device you want. 如果你在首播时错过了什么, you no longer have to worry about whether you remembered to set the DVR, or whether you have a season pass on your TiVo. (Or, if we want to go back even further into television history, you don’t have to hope that you’ll be able to catch it in reruns.)

That said, pay TV subscriptions continue to drop in the U.S., even as numbers rise in Europe and Asia. 掐线是真实存在的, but viewers are still paying for access to content from traditional television networks; they’re just not necessarily paying for it via their pay TV subscription. (Plenty are, however, as recent numbers from Time Warner in the U.S.英国电信(BT)和英国天空电视台(Sky)也是如此.K., showed increases in the last quarter of 2015.)

So, if indeed one “game”—traditional linear television—is indeed over, 那么新的一场已经开始了, one in which the winners and losers have yet to be determined. In the new television game, the old labels don’t necessarily apply. 2016年的电视网络是什么样的? Isn’t it time we start referring to Netflix as a television network, what with its reach of 70 million subscribers in more than 190 countries?

The video game is also changing in the enterprise and education markets, as we have finally arrived at the long-promised day when video would be available to everyone in an organization—every employee and student, 不仅仅是ceo和教师. It’s no longer just a BYOD (bring your own device) world; it’s now a BYOC (bring your own content) world, and it’s revolutionizing the ways in which we work and learn.

每年都是如此 流媒体行业资料手册 gives us a chance to present our readers with our take on the state of online video in all of its forms, as well as offer up buyers’ guides and tutorials that will help you make smart purchasing decisions and implement new technologies and workflows as you keep up with these changes playing out everywhere online video is being used.

本文首次发表于2016年 流媒体行业资料手册 作为“游戏开始”!”

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